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Comment Re:"Because You're Popular, You Get a Free Pass!" (Score 3, Interesting) 298

Look...I'm in Sweden and I don't trust the Swedish Justice system on this matter. It may sound like what a conspiracy-theory nut would say, but the justice system around here breaks when the US is involved. Moreover, rape is absurdly loose in this country. You can have consensual sex with a girl, but she can still change her mind the next day and claim you "got her drunk" or "talked her into it". Personal responsibility pretty much goes flying out the door in such cases (precedents abound). Moreover, the fact that Assange was denied a residency permit (uppehaltillstand) a few weeks back hints to some heavy bias on the part of the government. Both women admitted to having consensual sex with Julian. But he allegedly had an "attitude problem" with women. That's not rape in my book. I don't care what the law says, it is simply immoral to prosecute a man for rape on such bullshit. In many regards, Sweden leads the world in democracy, transparency, social justice, etc. but some of the laws are simply ridiculous.

Comment Symbian vs. Linux (Score 4, Interesting) 88

I'll quote the wiki: "Symbian OS kernel (EKA2) supports sufficiently-fast real-time response such that it is possible to build a single-core phone around itâ"that is, a phone in which a single processor core executes both the user applications and the signalling stack. This is a feature which is not available in Linux. This has allowed SymbianOS EKA2 phones to become smaller, cheaper and more power efficient.[citation needed]"

Is that even true? If not, we should take it up on the discussion page.

Comment Explain this (Score 1) 898

American authorities reportedly refused an Air France flight from Paris to Mexico entry into US airspace because a left-wing journalist writing a book on the CIA was on board.

There is excessive paranoia going on. Face it!

Comment Re:Theatre? (Score 1) 1870

This is theater.

First of all, this is the lowest court. That is, it's pretty much a layman's verdict. The case will go up to a higher court to finally end up in the highest court. I personally don't believe the verdict will be upheld (at least not the ridiculous jail sentence.

The Swedish government is currently using terrorism. They're trying to scare people, and this verdict is just part of the game; i.e: mere theater.

Comment Re:Huh. (Score 1) 1297

I understand the obvious difference between killing somebody in immediate self-defense, and doing the same just because you can. I wasn't defending Hussein in any way. Just saying that "inside his own country's borders" and "to his own people" is a silly argument coming from the same Americans who financed the gratuitous war on Iraq. I'm saying, Kurds (you know, the ones that got gassed) are still trying to get their own country, but you never hear a peep from the establishment in Washington about Turkey cracking down on them.

If my brother punches me, it's very different from some douchebag who doesn't even live in the same town, and who then claims it's in my best interests while setting up camp in my backyard.

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