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Comment Re:Can't wait to get this installed in my house (Score 0) 514

No. This is EXACTLY the way people need to look at it.

Short sighted retard thinking. Which is the problem with Americans, can't see past your own short life spans. If I pay for such a system and install it on my property, sure, I may never 'recoup' the cost of the system in my life span, but my property is off the grid, for whoever gets it after I'm gone.

Comment Re:Not sure this is deserved in this case (Score 1) 438

Libertarians do not endorse limited liability as a concept - it breaks liberalism.

What do LLC's have to do with monopolistic behavior from corporations? Apples and oranges. I ran an LLC for a few years. And I did it because if something horrific happened to my business, I didn't want to lose my house.

Comment Re:Not sure this is deserved in this case (Score 1) 438

Yep, and Carnegie was a horrific evil man.

the things he did to people makes the worlds most notorious criminals seem like saints.

I never said Carnegie was a bad person. He did great things with his wealth after he sold out to Morgan. But you're totally missing the point.

Bill Gates is doing good things with his amassed wealth too, so what? Irrelevant to the matter at hand.

Would sure be nice if a lot of our 1%ers would step up to the plate and use their amassed wealth in the ways Carnegie did and Gates does. Though I think Gates could do a lot more, especially domestically.

Comment Re:Can't wait to get this installed in my house (Score 5, Insightful) 514

Have you calculated the cost difference in hourly rates, your yearly use and the total price of such a setup? How long will it take to pay itself back before you see any financial gains?

IMHO, this is totally the wrong way to look at this technology. Personally I don't care if it's more expensive than conventional power, if I could install a small wind turbine and a few solars on my property and charge this battery, it's off the grid for my acre. Totally worth it. People need to stop thinking in terms of 'its more expensive than conventional power.' That is the wrong way to look at this, IMHO.

Comment Re:Not sure this is deserved in this case (Score 2) 438

It may very well be that we would all be better off with the libertarian ideal of a free and open market where individual liability and property concerns keep everything self-regulated...

Uh we tried that once you know. Ended up with things like Standard Oil and Carnegie Steel, and the anti-trust laws that followed and broke up the monopolies. Free and open markets do self-regulate, right into monopolies and all sorts of abuse. That would be much worse than what we have now. We've been there, we done this already. We have scars to show for it. If you need a more recent example, take at look at what Bell was doing before the government stepped in. Free and open markets simply do not work, regulation is absolutely required. I mean if people need to be taught this lesson YET AGAIN, please go ahead and let it happen.

Comment Re:Maybe they will move to court instead? (Score 1) 137

Maybe the UK consider to take Microsoft to court in case something happens and sue them under product responsibility laws or something.

Uhhh.. no one is forcing them to continue to use ancient software. They're quite welcomed and encouraged to upgrade to something newer and better. Certainly not Microsoft's problem. Microsoft and most of the rest of the world have long since moved on.

Submission + - Star 'Mass Grave' Surrounds Our Galaxy's Black Hole (

astroengine writes: Astronomers have zoomed into an X-ray emission region immediately surrounding our galaxy’s supermassive black hole, gaining the highest X-ray resolution view to date, and it looks like they’ve stumbled on a mysterious place where stars go to die. Sagittarius A*, or Sgr A*, is the enigmatic compact radio source surrounding the supermassive black hole in the center of our galaxy. The black hole, which has a mass 4 million times that of our sun, dominates this region with its extreme gravitational well. Many efforts have been carried out in an attempt to understand the population of stars and other stellar phenomena in the immediate vicinity of Sgr A*, but resolving features from such an extreme environment at a distance of 25,000 light-years is not easy. Through measurements of X-ray spectra from the black hole’s neighborhood, however, astronomers are gradually adding some detail to Sgr A*’s landscape and in new research published in the journal Nature, it seems there’s a strange population of ‘dead’ stars accumulated in the black hole’s shadow.

Submission + - Did NASA Mistakenly Create a Warp Field? (

An anonymous reader writes: According to posts on, a website devoted to the engineering side of space news, when lasers were fired through the EmDrive’s resonance chamber, some of the beams appeared to travel faster than the speed of light. If that’s true, it would mean that the EmDrive is producing a warp field or bubble.

Submission + - Cosmologists Find Eleven Runaway Galaxies

An anonymous reader writes: Discovery News reports that 11 homeless galaxies have been identified by Igor Chilingarian, an astronomer at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, and Moscow State University, and his fellow astronomers. "The 11 runaway galaxies were found by chance while Chilingarian and co-investigator Ivan Zolotukhin, of the L’Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planetologie and Moscow State University, were scouring publicly-available data (via the Virtual Observatory) from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and the GALEX satellite for compact elliptical galaxies."

Submission + - Nepal Earthquake: Facebook to Google, how tech is helping survivors reach out

An anonymous reader writes: In the aftermath of the earthquake that struck Nepal, many social media sites and mobile applications have come up with features that could help locate friends and loved ones. From the Times of India: "Social networking website Facebook, and Google's Person Finder have helped locate the whereabouts of those stranded in quake-hit areas. For instance, members of one Himmatramka family residing in Birgunj in Nepal marked themselves safe on Facebook. 'Our relatives back in India were worried about our safety. So, we marked ourselves safe to inform them,' said Nitesh Himmatramka.

Submission + - Apple's Next Frontier Is Your Body (

Lashdots writes: Amid the unveiling of the Apple Watch, Tim Cook's wrist distracted from another new product last month: ResearchKit, an open source iOS platform designed to help researchers design apps for medical studies—and reach millions of potential research subjects through their iPhones. Alongside the company's new frontiers, like the car and the home, Cook told Jim Cramer last month that health "may be the biggest one of all." As Fast Company reports, Cook says Apple's devices could could help pinpoint diseases within decades—and position the company at the center of a "significantly underestimated" mobile-health industry. Given the medical history of Silicon Valley, however, the prognosis for Apple remains unclear.

Submission + - In New AI Benchmark, Computer Takes on Four Top Professional Poker Players writes: Stephen Jordan reports at the National Monitor that four of the world’s greatest poker players are going into battle against a computer program that researchers are calling Claudico in the “Brains Vs. Artificial Intelligence” competition at Rivers Casino in Pittsburgh. The pros — Doug Polk, Dong Kim, Bjorn Li and Jason Les — will receive appearance fees derived from a prize purse of $100,000 donated by Microsoft Research and by Rivers Casino. Claudico, the first machine program to play heads-up no-limit Texas Hold’em against top human players, will play nearly 20,000 hands with each human poker player over the next two weeks. “Poker is now a benchmark for artificial intelligence research, just as chess once was. It’s a game of exceeding complexity that requires a machine to make decisions based on incomplete and often misleading information, thanks to bluffing, slow play and other decoys,” says Tuomas Sandholm, developer of the program. “And to win, the machine has to out-smart its human opponents.” In total, that will be 1,500 hands played per day until May 8, with just one day off to allow the real-life players to rest.

An earlier version of the software called Tartanian 7 {PDF) was successful in winning the heads-up, no-limit Texas Hold’em category against other computers in July, but Sandholm says that does not necessarily mean it will be able to defeat a human in the complex game. “I think it’s a 50-50 proposition,” says Sandholm. “My strategy will change more so than when playing against human players,” says competitor Doug Polk, widely considered the world’s best player of Heads-Up No-Limit Texas Hold’em, with total live tournament earnings of more than $3.6 million. “I think there will be less hand reading so to speak, and less mind games. In some ways I think it will be nice as I can focus on playing a more pure game, and not have to worry about if he thinks that I think, etc.”

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