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Comment Re:IP holder. (Score 1) 65

Unlike business aps, Game software shows it's age much faster. You have to release it while you game engine/graphics looks current. A game from 5 years ago looks much worse than a business application from 5 years ago. Wolfenstein3D looked awesome back in the day, but now its dissapointing.

Submission + - Europeans get vacations, Americans get the shaft.

End Program writes: According to this article, American workers are getting the shaft when it comes to vacation time and perks. I also noticed the same sentiment is echoed in the new Michael Moore movie Sicko.

I have been working in the tech industry for almost 10 years now and have not passed the two-week mark for vacation time. I also tried to convince my latest employer to start me with three weeks vacation but to no avail. Has the Slashdot community seen the same stingy attitude while working for American corporations?
It's funny.  Laugh.

Submission + - Toilet paper trauma: Are 5 squares enough? (

coondoggie writes: "Is the world ready for an automatic toilet paper dispenser? Kimberly-Clark Professional hopes so as today it rolled out the JRT Electronic Coreless touchless electronic toilet paper dispenser that will immediately ignite a toilet paper strategy battle: the device issues five sheets at a time and uses 20% less toilet paper than traditional hand dispensed paper. According to Kimberly Clark, Americans typically use twice as much toilet paper as Europeans — as much as an arm's length each pull. The company decided the ideal length is about 20 inches — or precisely five standard toilet paper squares, though the machine can also be adjusted to churn out 16 inches or 24 inches, depending on the demand. 6"

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