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Comment Re:Not Israel (Score 1) 291

According to the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs for the occupied Palestinian territory (a UN body) 1754 Palestinians have been killed since 2005 (excluding the recent Gaza war, vs. 117 Israelis. In the Gaza war 773 Palestinian civilians were killed. Israelis are free to leave their country, Gazans are imprisoned in theirs. The sources of employment are drying up in Gaza as Israel prevents many supplies entering the territory, including the building supplies needed to reconstruct the many factories that Israel bombed. So I would say that Palestinians go through a lot more pain than Israelis. Would you rather be a Palestinian civilian or an Israeli? Not much of a contest is it?

Comment Re:Not Israel (Score 1) 291

Desperate people do desperate things, and the things Hamas does are no worse (perhaps less worse) than what the Israelis are doing. Admittedly, not an excuse for doing bad things, but certainly explains why they're doing them. Like I say, imagine yourself a Palestinian living in the Gaza Strip.

Comment Re:Not Israel (Score 2, Insightful) 291

I think that Hamas's best bet is not violence. If they can only be seen as a passive Gandhi style resistance it might go a long way to improving their image in the US. Frankly, their armed struggle doesn't have much effect anyway. Also, they do a lot of things that are pretty bad for PR. For instance, arresting Western journalists does not endear you to the people who might be able to help your cause.

Comment Re:Not Israel (Score 1) 291

Then why does the Hammas have Israel's entire land on its flag?

Maybe because they're pissed off? Try living under siege, seeing your land encroached by illegal settlers and your people's homes bulldozed and see if you're still reasonable towards your oppressors. I don't agree with Hamas's methods, but I can see why they do what they do.

Comment Re:There's more to this story (Score 1) 691

What if you do have a chronic illness though? What are you supposed to do then? And I would dispute that any normal person could save enough to pay for long term cancer treatment. Breast cancer treatment could be over $100,000. Finally, what about the people who don't plan carefully? Do they deserve to suffer and die because of their lack of foresight?

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