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Comment Re:Hmm, maybe (Score 1) 213

A 200 MHz signal isn't detectable in the audio realm unless it has a large non-random low-frequency component.
I would hope that Sony knows how to shield the digital circuitry on their MP3 player. I'm still not convinced that you'd be able to do anything about audio noise level by redesigning the micro SD card. The only source of audio noise would be slow things such as page read-related current pulses, and there's not enough real estate on a micro SD board to provide a low frequency filter.

Comment Re:Technology can NOT eliminate work. (Score 2) 389

There are all sorts of jobs these days that do not need to be done, such as writing advertising jingles or maximizing the number of times that a person clicks on an ad. Oh, and most of that work being done to build the JSF. I'd rather have us enjoy that leisure time that we were told (by those utopian si-fi novels) would result from robots doing all the essential work.

Comment Re:Really? (Score 3, Insightful) 228

The same argument can be made against the Muslims who think that their religion applies to people outside of it. I am not Muslim, so I am not going to hell for displaying a mockery of their prophet. After all, would the Muslims want to be held accountable to the rules of every other religion in the world?

This is the real problem, and it's on all religious people to behave as if every other religion (and every form of non-belief) is as valid as theirs is. Oh, and Thou Shalt Not Kill.

Comment Re:if it doesnt work (Score 1) 464

Drug-store reading glasses only work if you have nothing but identical far-sightedness or near-sightedness in both eyes.

I am over 50 and have always had astigmatism, and deal with the lingering and ever-changing effects of a shingles scar on one cornea, so my glasses are anything by simple.

My computer glasses solution is to have one pair of trifocals for general use, and a pair of bifocals ground to give a general view of the computer screen, with a close-up along the bottom for looking at the gizmos I'm designing circuit boards for when I'm on the computer. It works pretty well, other than the inconvenience of having to change glasses a lot.

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