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Comment Re:Why do people listen to her? (Score 2) 588

You have first-hand experience of having an autistic child. You do not have first-hand experience of vaccines causing autism, because there is no scientific evidence proving that this is possible, and there is literally an entire planet of evidence that it is not.

Hence it is, and remains, irrelevant that you have an autistic child - unfortunate though that may be.

Comment Re:Yes, because of your selection bias (Score 1) 268

Point taken and agreed. Apologies. Historically this has been the hallmark of the Linux crowd - though I admit it has grown up a bit and there's actually quite a few people who espouse Linux based on facts and objective benefits nowadays rather than religious drivel like the old days. (For what it's worth, I like Linux. Upgrading the OS in 5 minutes and without a reboot is actually somewhat refreshing when my desktop at home takes 2 hours and reboots twice to do the same thing).

Comment Re:Why not use GNU/Linux? (Score 1) 341

I don't fully understand it myself, but option B isn't even an option because hiring an internal team means operational expenditure to pay for it, while contracting an outside agency means capital expenditure is used to pay for it. No government or large corporate will do what you're suggesting due to this, even though to those who aren't accountants it makes absolutely no sense.

I'm not sure how much easier the RFP process could be as well, either. At least here, it's just a matter of looking at the detailed RFP, and submitting a tender into the box with your estimates of cost/timelines/product options, and just make sure to check everything off on the checklist. Now, I have heard of instances where the checklist is written in such a way that they may as well have an unspoken checkbox that says "be Microsoft" or "be IBM", but those are fringe cases.

Comment Re:Alternatives (Score 1) 242

Lots of services have claimed that over history. A certain PHP bulletin board that now costs $199 with $40/yr renewals, Reflector .NET Decompiler (now $95, plus extra for every version or $199 for the "Pro" version), etc.

Comment Re:Freedom of Speech? (Score 1) 328

Distributing without selling or licensing is still distributing, and is still covered by copyright. You do realise that it is you who failed to disagree with me, right?

Of course you can decide who you *will* sell or license to, who the hell said you couldn't? What you're saying in your post is that not only am I not wrong, but that your previous post was wrong! Actually, your post is the very essence of a strawman argument.

Comment Re:Why not use GNU/Linux? (Score 1) 341

The problem is that if you want an organisation large enough to support a really large client, you're quite limited - Red Hat is probably the only one that will bother submitted a response to the RFP (remember, governments only sign vendors that respond to the RFP... no tender, no appointment. Most Linux consultancies very likely eliminate themselves by never participating in this process).

And Redhat provides no support for the license cost - you pay extra in the form of a per-CPU support fee if you want that.

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