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Comment Re:Now I Know... (Score 1) 575

Well in that case it's a good thing they're not giving money to a company founded by Hitler or anything. (Hint: companies are not evil. No company in existence can actually have that moniker applied to them - they are at best amoral, probably even ethically impaired. But evil most definitely is far too hyperbolic).

Comment Re:Theo has been critical? (Score 1) 304

What are you rambling about? OpenSSL is not produced by the OpenBSD Foundation, it's produced by the OpenSSL foundation, a completely separate entity for which OpenBSD has no involvement at all. Sounds like you just saw the word "Open" and assumed they were connected... hint: they're not - an de Raadt has precisely no responsibility for whatever happens with the OpenSSL base tree.

Comment Re:Why do people listen to her? (Score 2) 588

You have first-hand experience of having an autistic child. You do not have first-hand experience of vaccines causing autism, because there is no scientific evidence proving that this is possible, and there is literally an entire planet of evidence that it is not.

Hence it is, and remains, irrelevant that you have an autistic child - unfortunate though that may be.

Comment Re:Yes, because of your selection bias (Score 1) 268

Point taken and agreed. Apologies. Historically this has been the hallmark of the Linux crowd - though I admit it has grown up a bit and there's actually quite a few people who espouse Linux based on facts and objective benefits nowadays rather than religious drivel like the old days. (For what it's worth, I like Linux. Upgrading the OS in 5 minutes and without a reboot is actually somewhat refreshing when my desktop at home takes 2 hours and reboots twice to do the same thing).

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