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Comment Re:Good (Score 1) 280

Apparently Google hasn't learned from HTC either.
Supposedly the new Nexus phone will have a non-removable battery, 8GB storage, and no microSD slot. (Supposedly a 16GB version will be released later).
At least it has an unlocked bootloader and fast updates, although Google does have an unfair advantage there. But don't expect them to pull the rug out from anyone.

Comment Re:Wha...? (Score 1) 171

Non DPI aware applications being marked DPI aware is Microsoft's fault. They decided to mark MFC applications (and potentially others) DPI-aware by default (at least when compiled with Visual Studio 2010).
It doesn't help that the GUI designer (at least for Windows Forms) in Visual Studio doesn't work right at non-default DPIs. It also doesn't help that their automatic scaling for Windows Forms doesn't work right (probably why they haven't enabled it by default).
I was assuming a huge part of Metro was fixing the DPI scaling issues. I guess not.

Comment Re:Apple's receipt verification is broken too (Score 1) 142

The receipt data is first supposed to be sent to the developer's server. The server then verifies it with the app store. It's up to the developer to make sure communication with their own server is secure.
Still not a very good system IMO. What does Apple use for securing actual app purchases from their store? I'm assuming they have something in place to prevent using a MITM attack to install your own apps?

Comment Re:There is not even a way to remove it! (Score 1) 346

You can certainly point a domain name at a dynamic IP. Just use a DNS provider (like ZoneEdit) that provides a way to update A records using a dynamic DNS client and set your TTL low.
You still run into issues for the duration of the TTL after your IP changes, but how often does that actually happen now? It's not uncommon for me to be connected for 1 month or more at a time.

Comment Re:bada (Score 3, Funny) 124

They already screw up Android enough as well.

Semi-related comment from the kernel source of my phone: /*This is a temporary piece of crappy code that I was forced to write as I did not figure
out how to properly use the SPI driver in the system. Please resist the temptation of ever using
this code in a good Samsung phone. I will remove this code as soon as I figure out the correct
way of using the SPI driver*/

(That code actually works correctly though, unlike some of the other stuff)

Comment Re:Wait, what now? (Score 1) 462

The Structured Exception Handling is Microsoft's fault; they have a patent on it (at least for 32-bit) so it can't be implemented in GCC.
Obviously Microsoft has an unfair advantage on the API front as well, since I'm assuming the APIs were written and test primarily with Microsoft's compilers in mind.
I'm guessing they'd have the ability to look at each others' source code as well?

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