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Comment Re:A scam for the gullible (Score 1) 216

Actually no, the technology hasn't existed at all, that could sustain people on Mars indefinitely with supplies every two years. You should look up how much material the astronaut were able to carry to the Moon. Actually, the technology that would allow people to simply survive the *transit* to Mars with any reasonable chance of success does not even exist yet. It would essentially require building the Mars rocket in high orbit, and this is like scaling the international space station size, complexity and cost by a factor of 20-50x. I'll let you do the math.

If you prefer, we think it is theoretically doable without breaking the laws of physics, but it is not doable financially. Think of all the fuss ITER is causing even though is it chump change with respect to the size of the financial world, all the while with enormous expected return.

Comment Re:Seriously? (Score 1) 216

Except that, to quote Fermi, this attempt is not even wrong. Science and accumulated experience *can* tell you with very high confidence if something has a snowball chance in Hell chance of actually working. This is not the case here, and consequently there is only one thing to learn from this: this is not the way to do it.

Comment Re:very understandable (Score 2) 784

Same statistic, same page, in Europe: France: 1.1 ; Sweden: 1.0 ; Italy: 0.9; Germany: 0.8 ; Switzerland: 0.7 ; Norway: 0.6. I'll let you have a look at Iceland, Australia, etc.

Basically in the Western world, the USA stands out on this statistics too. BTW, high rates of unintentional homicide, accidents and even suicide by firearms provide perfectly justifiable arguments for gun (or at least ammunition) control.

Comment Re:While... (Score 2) 784

In clinical depression, emotions are not the source of the problem, only a symptom, which is by the way not always present. Depression can manifest itself by crushing fatigue, and not so much sadness for instance. The source of the problem can be summarized somewhat incorrectly by neurotransmitter imbalance in the brain.

Comment Interesting move (Score 2) 195

We will see in a few years or even less if big content providers make more or less money than before in the UK. I'm of the opinion that blocking free content leads to discontent, less visibility, and ultimately less profit, because people will not want to reward what could be construed as oppression.

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