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Comment Final Fantasy disconnection (Score 1) 401

I totally agree. My main issue with the Final Fantasy series is a disconnection I felt throughout the sequels.

Final Fantasy was the first RPG I ever played as well. I've been a big fan of all the 8bit and 16bit sequels up to VII on the PS1.

FFVIII was the first one that I quit after playing for only 6 or so hours. The repetitve summoning cutscenes and the grinding necessary to advance spells was a total bore fest. The story and environment were boring as well. I didn't care about any of the characters nor did I care for the futuristic feel (gun-swords?!... c'mon!). I tried to give it a shot but couldn't muster more than 6 hours.

I did enjoy IX thoroughly. The traditional art style worked for me as I felt the ultra-realistic look of VIII was a complete turn-off. But after that, my interest in the series was waaning like a bad relationship.

I tried Final Fantasy X and couldn't get past roughly six hours again. The focus on ultra-realistic graphics and drawn out summoning scenes just sucked the fun out of the fantasy for me. And I haven't even bothered with any sequel since.

I guess there is something to Nintendo's style of the "quiet protagonist" that holds a certain charm. When you over-develop a character you risk alienating the player and I feel the recent sequels suffer from this. I really think that is another reason besides the other points I mentioned above that caused me to feel disconnected to the games. I really didn't care and no changes to the core system could help that.

Comment Re:Wii upgrade. (Score 1) 320

"Gamecube was hurt itself in the US by making itself look like a kid's toy and using proprietary DVD discs that had less storage capability (making multi-platform releases harder on it). SEGA was hurt by focusing on 2D over 3D graphics, although they did have a superior online system for the time."

I reckon the Gamecube lost because of the complete lack of third party support that was carried over from the N64 days. The disc size issue, although contributuing, was a moot point by then.

SEGA was still in an uphill climb to regain customer support from its add-on debacle during the Genesis days. I used to be an avid supporter of Sega until I got burned by them releasing continous expensive add-ons and then discontinuing game development to concentrate on the next "hot" add-on.

Comment Re:Maybe it's a good thing, if prices fall. (Score 1) 371

In the not-so-distant-future: "Dude. Let me borrow the new GTA from you. I'll trade you the new MGS game. Oops. Can't do that anymore. You'll have to buy a copy from the online store. And so will I. Gee, remember back in the day when this wasn't a problem. When we used to be able to trade in games too"?

Comment Bugbear (Score 1) 545

"Economic concerns and worries about compatibility -- the bugbear that doomed Vista in the corporate market -- will keep Windows 7 on the shelf for all but a handful of enterprises until at least 12 months"

IANADM, but I thought Bugbears were easy prey (only a few hit dice)?

Comment Re:Like Groening, let it go on WAY past its prime (Score 1) 218

And that he did. I used to love Bloom County as a kid. Outland just seemed like a fragemnt of an idea stretched out into a series. I never read Opus. The recurring theme in a lot of these posts is he should've just stopped for a while. Stripping out all the characters except Opus was a bad idea as well. Just imagine if Mr. Breathed had stopped and then started up in 2004 when dubbleya got (hic) relected into office. That shit just writes itself.

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