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Comment It's called a recession? (Score 0) 496

During a recession, some people make cutbacks on non-essential needs [Game consoles for example], so why is this at all surprising?
When thousands of people lose their jobs, are they going to continue to spend money on expensive purchases like game consoles and the accessories and games that go with them?
Of course not.

Comment Re:Aion will Flop (Score 0) 256

I don't know if you're over-exaggerating the harshness to new players in WoW, as I've never played it. But if you're not, EVE Online is the complete opposite.

In EVE, there are plenty of people, chat channels, and corporations [EVE's guilds essentially, if you don't know] who are more than happy to help out new players. Whether it's advice on skills, ship fitting recommendations, mission help, you name it. There's always an abundance of help for new players.

I don't know if this perhaps due to EVE's generally older age demographic or if WoW is the same in terms of help for players.

Comment Re:Stupid.. (Score 0) 827

If both media player and internet explorer are both freely available from Microsoft's site, why would they charge differently for each distribution?
If anything, I'd say the media player and IE-less versions should cost more for the added hassle of having to create an entirely new distribution.
It may not take much, but it would still take additional man-hours to create the new image and have a new lineup of discs pressed.

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Beware of all enterprises that require new clothes, and not rather a new wearer of clothes. -- Henry David Thoreau
