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Review: Gears of War 2 193

The original Gears of War was one of the most popular games of 2006, helping to solidify the Xbox 360's place in the console market. Since then, it's sold about 5 million copies. When word leaked out that a sequel was in the works, many wondered if Epic Games could reach the bar set by the first game. As it turns out, they could. Gears of War 2 will feel very familiar to those who have played its predecessor. Games often have a way of reinventing themselves as sequels come and go, but Epic stuck to the basics of what had already worked so well, and simply set about improving, polishing, and fleshing out the Gears world as much as they could. Read on for the rest of the review.

Comment Re:Validating credit card numbers (Score 1) 516

No, regular expressions can not capture the complexity of that formula since it's an algorithm without memory, but with a finite set of numbers the can describe every possible match. You'll end up with a regex that incredibly long though, e.g. for 3 digits:

^0(12|23|31|47|51|69|74|83|92|01)|1(12|23|31|47|51|69|74|83|92|01)... (etc)

(It will be 5 times longer in total and the last digits aren't the correct one, it's only for showing the principle)

So it's possible but impractical.

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