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Comment Re:Don't worry guys (Score 1) 346

I logged in just to answer this knee-jerk reaction that i see so often pretty much where I am: at the workplace, with friends etc. Assuming we are not talking Anarchism (which we are hopefully not):

1. A regulated currency does not protect from theft.

2. You are implying that because of Free-Market ideas or rules and regulations, we as a society should not follow and punish theft. This idea is so false I really hope I don't have to underline the obvious, or do i?

The customer should be free and invest in whatever place and idea he chooses to. Being the Wild West in currency terms as it is, Bitcoin exchanges are notoriously unsafe. This fact is and the associated risks/rewards are also known. Why do you want to interfere?

And to your point - The Government in a Liberal (European perspective) - Libertarian (American one) has the RIGHT and is EXPECTED TO provide courts of LAW in which corporation /entities that deliberately conceal information may be sued for fraud. Individuals are NOT exempt from this obligation of a FREE society.

May I ask you, in this big government orgy that protects us from theft, how much time has the HSBC management have done? Than at least i will take the small government, thank you.And why do some people always leave out the part where the desired small government is not a weak government?

And yes, that is as a Liberal (as I live in Europe) what I wish for.

Comment Re:Repulsive! Government Waste! (Score 1) 752

I don't get these numbers because I am no economist. So AC says low debt/gdp is good because it doesn't incur further debt (A low debt-to-GDP ratio indicates an economy that produces and sells goods and services sufficient to pay back debts without incurring further debt) and gives sweden as an example. Wiki says the US is on the other side of the scale and that is, again... good?

Comment Re:Who's surprised? (Score 1) 310

Our generation was no part of those atrocities. Blaming us for actions that took place over 70 years ago is pretty insidious. You however sanctioned and continue to sanction the current government with your vote. Oh and of course in exchange for the Marshall plan you are so fond of, you've got our gold as hostage. What, you didn't know? how inconvenient... Again, stay the hell away.

Comment Re:Who's surprised? (Score 1) 310

True. How very true. But since everything has a consequence, please don't come to my country (Germany) never in your life.

You are not welcome anymore. Go to Las Vegas, gamble a bit, see Disneyland and absorb all the culture your society has produced. Don't bother coming here. Spy on me from where you are and don't hope for reconciliation any time soon. /Vented :)

Comment Re: FFS (Score 2, Insightful) 456

Usually these kinds of "phobias" are described as fear, prejudice, hatred, discrimination, or hostility towards the object of the "phobia".

But our Barilla guy did not any show any of these: disapproval was all it took to get labeled. I call shenanigans. And as a psychologist I am terribly upset by the lack of harsh positioning on the APA's side. While they disapprove of liberal use of clinical terminology they do not do anything more.

Comment Re: FFS (Score 2, Insightful) 456

It is one of the most obscene and vulgar uses of a non-scientific term. Not only it isn't a valid scientific construct (Homophobia is not listed in any version of DSM and/or ICD) but it masquerades as one (since it has the suffix -phobia) which makes it even more dangerous. It implies a disorder when there is none making your "opponent" defending his ideas from an untenable position. The one who came up with this idea is a genius and should go to hell.

Comment Re:Remind me,,, (Score 1) 327

We pay taxes to the government. We expect services in return. If this government is unable to return the services we pay for, then yes, it the government doing wrong not the corporations. The government is invested with POWER by the people. It should very much exercise that power.

Those anarcho-capitalists want a small and powerful gov. not a big and weak one.

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