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Comment homegrown java (Score 1) 421


I have built a java program. You can find it here: http://www.os10000.net/fs/java/app_dsync/index.html

* it is GPL
* it is used for exporting and importing
* it creates a digital certificate for the machine it's run on
* it creates a 1-1 relationship with a machine that it's synching with
* it creates an export file on the source machine & imports it on the target machine (you have to move it)
* the export file is a zip file
* you build a ruleset on the export machine (files, directories, regexes) what you wish to export
* you build a ruleset on the import machine (same) what you wish to import
* these two rulesets give you total control even when you're exchanging with someone else
* you have rules for "soft master", "hard master", "soft slave", "hard slave", "progress", etc.

If you can use "unison", use that. If you wish to automate, use "app_dsync".

Have a good day,


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