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Comment Re:Ah, good, progress. (Score 1) 101

I'd be happy if they just stopped breaking all the add-ons with every single release.

I mean why do they even bother with (eg.) "appearance" plugins if they break them every week and you have to go back to the default.

They should just remove support for them and be done with it. Save everybody's time.

Comment Re:quick question (Score 1) 212

The fundamental problem is the whole concept of a "Web of Trust." How or why should I trust that a collision detection mechanism is in place, functioning properly, and has not been manually overridden? We've come full-circle to "I just have to blindly trust."

True, but lets get everybody used to using https and get it enabled on all the servers.

Once that's done, THEN we can tackle the problem of who to trust with the certificates.

"The longest journey starts with a single step", etc.

Comment Exactly, reality says (Score 1) 304

In the end a large flat object can be broken, that's just physics and no amount of design will change that.

If you bother to look at the videos you'll see they all seem to bend right where the volume buttons are. That's called a "weak point" and a certain amount of design will change that (and without violating the laws of physics!)

Comment Re:In other words... (Score 2) 304

The general consensus that Consumer Reports seems to be getting at here is that the results that they observed shows that while the iPhones do bend, the amount of force required to do so results in phones from other manufacturers simply breaking under the stresses involved.

If by "phones from other manufacturers" you mean "the HTC One (M8)", then, yes, that is correct.

The real problem is the size. There's a physical principle called a "lever" which multiplies forces. Maybe you can google it...

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