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Comment Invisible Pro-peace Israelis (Score 2) 512

From mainstream news, you would think this is a conflict Muslim Palestinians and Jewish Israelis. While that element exists, there are a lot of Israelis who do not support the actions of their government. There are massive demonstrations in Israel right now and a very strong contingent of JATO (Jews Against The Occuppation)


In my opinion this is a conflict between pro-peace people and pro-war people.

Comment Re:maybe (Score 1) 512

You are 100% right, antisemitism is a very real and very awful thing, but so is Israeli apartheid (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel_and_the_apartheid_analogy).

A few Israeli soldiers are refusing to serve and can get away with saying everything that needs to be said. (Well they can get away without being called antisemitic, but they are going to jail for it): http://www.washingtonpost.com/...

I have the luxury of being friends with people who believe in different religions (including Islam and Judaism), and there is nothing about the religions or the people that prevent peaceful coexistence and friendship. When religious beliefs seem to be a factor in this conflict, I think they are being manipulated for political ends.

Comment Re:Awesome! (Score 1) 163

Actually cowardly employers aware of hist history would give HIM and interview, because he clearly will report abuse.

His name is a relevant "factoid" because he was denied and interview when he used his "muslim sounding" name, but granted an interview (and offered a job) when he sent the same resume with an "english sounding" name.

I don't think he asked to remove the story. I think Cathay Pacific did because the story (rightfully) makes them look like they have a bigoted hiring practice.

Comment Re:What we need... (Score 1) 235

yeah but imagine if half the city started biking! It would stimulate local industries, people would get healthier (lowering healthcare cost and increasing lifespan of productive people) and it would reduce wear and tear more expensive thoroughfares (not to mention parking problems). I'd argue it's smart money, but maybe not for a city. This should be done at a national level!

Comment Re:load of rubbish (Score 1) 265

Seriously, I know UAE is a desert, but there are animals in the desert and a big smegging dome will have a real impact on insects, birds, lizards and other animals (and plants). The worst part (to me) is that they will be putting English style gardens with non-native plants under glass (similar to what is done in parts of California). It's such a misuse of resources compared to allowing the natural wonder that already exists there (beautiful cacti, palm trees, etc) to flourish.

Of course suburbia leads to sprawl, traffic problems, fuel overconsumption, and it's not exactly possible where population density is high, so possibly some kind of halfway point in between suburban sprawl and dense-domed cities is the best compromise. A city planned for to create livability alongside population density, but also sustainable and with access to nature, community gardens and/or solar panels rooftops, pedestrian and bicycle friendly. If only I could get a wealthy shiekh to build one within 5 miles of my workplace ....

Comment Re:Useless (Score 1) 235

hahah I guess all the driver's think I'm retarded because I wear an orange reflective vest and 1-2 LED blinkies (and a helmet which I think I'm going to paint with glow in the dark paint)

Driver's still pass me too closely. I don't usually mind, but when there is broken glass/broken pavement or other obstacles on the side of the road and I can't get to the left, it starts to feel pretty dangerous.

Comment Re:Useless (Score 1) 235

I wear an orange reflective vest. (the $4 kind from the hardware store). Clipped to the reflective vest is an LED blinker which is super bright and flashy. Clipped to the back of my bike rack should be an additional LED blinker, but it broke off and I haven't had time to install the 2nd blinky yet.

Comment Re:Useless (Score 1) 235

I'm a little deaf in my left ear from bicycle-touring on busy roads. I'm not sure range/quality of this radar, but if it detects things that you cannot possibly detect, it could be at least a tiny bit useful. For instance you are riding into headwind down a windy one lane dirt road at night. If I car is trying to pass you at the 20 mph speed limit that's fine, but if some joyriding kids are "offroading" on road at 30-50 mph, they aren't going to be able to stop.

Sure if you hear them you will get off the road and try to take a picture of their license plate to send to the police, but what if the conditions (wind, EV, something else) are such that you can't hear them?

The device will tell you *when* and at what speed the vehicle is going to pass you, which are good bits to know in certain circumstances. I don't know about carrying the extra weight and charging the batteries for the thing. If it was small and I only had to charge it once a week though... I would put one on my bike.

As far as the LED blinker application... Good LED blinkers are highly visible and make you safer. I don't see any value in varying the frequency/intensity of light/type of blinking for different speed drivers. If you are riding at night or in the rain or other poor visibility conditions, you should have your LED blinkers on at the highest setting. You don't need radar control for it.

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