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Comment Re:If there was a Bad at Math Map... (Score 2) 1163

It's not the media's fault. It's the "first past the post" voting system that's in place all the way from the bottom to the top. That's why there are two dominant parties. Until that's changed votes for a third party cannabalize votes that would go to one of the major party candidates and hurt their chances to be elected (see Gore, Al).

Comment Re:Why Nate? (Score 5, Insightful) 576

It's because of what he offers in addition to the model. The color commentary, explanation of why things change from day to day and analysis of individual polling firms after the fact. I was paying attention to him from the start (2008 primaries on Daily Kos) and he does a great job of explaining things to the layman.

Comment Re:But when? (Score 1) 576

This was the case in 2010. Many progressive blogs thought the turnout numbers would be much more Democratic than they were because party ID changed so much in two years. You have to trust the poll aggregates and I believe they have learned their lesson since. Let's see if the Republican pundits and publications do the same or if they declare 2014 a sea change and the beginning of a Republican ascendency just because typically Democratice constituencies don't turn out like Republican constituencies in off-years.

Comment Re:one bug I noticed in developer preview (Score 1) 269

I don't think it's quite so much a problem for the "computer illiterate" as it is for power users who use computers quite often. I want a crap load of windows open and accessible via the taskbar. I want my normal icons and crap. I want to arrange more than three windows on a screen and to use multiple monitors easily. Windows 8 annoys me and I'm not a fan of it so I'll just hoard Win7 licenses.

Comment Re:Good to see... (Score 2) 285

So on Slashdot of 2011, being a company that builds you software based on open source software and open sourcing every part of your software (even the parts you aren't obligated to) gets you no credit. Slashdot really was all about open source back in my day. What the fuck happened during the last few years to make Slashdot such a shit hole of trolls?

Comment The old Slashdot vs. current (Score 1) 770

The old Slashdot would have encouraged hackers and modders being able to have a choice in their operating system or ROM. The new Slashdot thinks it's reason to get an Apple phone.
The old Slashdot would have been happy that Android was open source. The new Slashdot thinks it's a bug rather than a feature.

In reality, it's somewhere between feature and bug. It means the manufacturers can make a large number of different phones without a Legion of employees to keep them all up to date and it gives customers choice in both hardware and os. It kinda pushes people to be involved with their phone and to start hacking on their phones. Having said that, it's annoying when you outgrow the capabilities of your cheap phone before you're eligible for an upgrade.

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