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Comment Self Determination (Score 2) 641

Personhood implies social responsibility.
This is much more than paying taxes, it involves a wide range of social interactions including employment, self-reliance, participation in government etc.

Chimps if "released" could not function in our society. Releasing them into the wild would be a death sentence for most lab animals.

They would still need to be cared for, and are unlikely to be able to contribute much.

I do not see how a judge could make a finding of personhood under (what little I know of) American law.

Comment Re:I don't get it. (Score 1) 144

A major function of adolescence is forging a life apart from the parents' control.

Parents can facilitate this by gradually relinquishing control in response to trustworthy behaviour on the part of the teen.
The progression results in self-disciplining young adults who are independent, yet respect authority

Parents can thwart the burgeoning independence of their adolescent children by attempting to control and monitor their offspring's behaviour, even when the adolescent has shown no tendency toward suspicious behaviour. Treating ANYONE in a suspicious manner tends to foster the behaviour expected.
This progression results in young adults who resent authority, and have sub-standard life skills.

"Just because you can" is never a valid reason for doing something.

Submission + - Stephen Colbert and the Monster Truck of Tivos

Hugh Pickens DOT Com writes: Lee Hutchinson writes at Ars Technica that when you're picking out a DVR for your home, there's a pretty short list of candidates—TiVo has its new 6-tuner DVRs, or you can get something from your cable provider, or you can roll your own. But SnapStream makes a line of 30+ channel DVRs that can record dozens of TV shows simultaneously. It's products are the monster trucks of the DVR world used by popular shows like The Colbert Report, The Daily Show, and The Soup. A SnapStream cluster can repackage, transcode, and distribute content for re-use — functionality you won't find on a consumer-grade DVR. "Being able to record, say, all of the news channels was something companies were interested in," says Aaron Thompson, SnapStream's president.. "The Daily Show, Colbert Report, and so on all use it to record a bunch of stuff, find what they want to make fun of, and quickly get it into their editing bays to get it on air." Prior to SnapStream, the big media companies were using isolated DVRs to record all the different television channels and shows like "The Colbert Report" had armies of interns to watch and catalog all the recorded TV but SnapStream can search the entire recorded library for video based on keywords in the closed captions. “We bring some of the power of ‘new media,’ the ability to search, copy and paste, and e-mail clips, to the old media of television for organizations,” says Rakesh Agrawal . “You weren’t able to search television before, but now you can. Now you can pinpoint stuff and you can hold people accountable and move at the same speed at which media works in the online world.”

Submission + - How Lua became successful, but not in Brazil (foreignaffairs.com)

Ian Grant writes: Yuri Takhteyev, an Assistant Professor at Toronto University, looks very briefly at how Lua is almost unknown in Brazil, even as it becomes popular elsewhere. An interesting story considering Wikipedia's recent decision to use the language

Take the decision of the language’s creators to write Lua’s documentation (the instructions on how to use Lua) in English. Wikimedia Foundation’s engineers note Lua’s excellent documentation as one of the reasons for choosing it over Google’s version of JavaScript.

Comment What REALLY worries me... (Score 1) 530

Is that somebody will have a bright idea that we can deliberately prolong the status quo.

They then convince a bunch of idiots w/ money and power (aka politicians) that their "solution" will somehow save the planet.

Humans will do what humans do best: We will adapt.

The climate is changing. Let it change. Go with the flow.

Comment What use is a law in the face of power? (Score 3, Insightful) 259

Since governments in general disregard laws with impunity, what difference can it possibly make to pass laws requiring warrants? They will do what they are going to do anyway. The existence of a law will not change this behaviour. The powerful are not constrained by laws, only the weak.

Comment Even if MS had caught the error and issued a patch (Score 1) 253

So following the announcement of the postponement, MS decides to include the updated calendar info in a patch.
Since the patch isn't a critical or security patch, a large portion of end users -- and a larger portion of systems administrators would not install the patch.

Still not a news item.
I gave up on the holidays calendar years ago due to an overabundance of errors -- primarily inclusions of US holidays in the Canada calendar.
I suspect most Outlook users in the UK did the same.

Comment Re:This is exactly why... (Score 1) 348

Voting is done by the masses and the dead.
Ammo will soon be illegal. (Guess why)

In any jurisdiction where a machine sits between the voter and the offical count, no election outcome can be trusted.
"the people" as in "Government, of the people, by the poeple for the people" have been disenfranchised for decades.
The situation now is more along the lines of "Government of the powerless, by the stooges, for the elite"

There are no candidates for office anywhere in the "free" world that are not controlled by corporations & their cartels, trade unions or organized crime.
Even if sufficient numbers of independant canditates could be elected, their ideologies are so fragmented that they would be unable to stand against the onslaught of the powerful self-interest groups.

Comment Re:good idea (Score 2) 67

A wiser course would be to outlaw leaving junk in space.....

I was tempted to mod this funny.
There is a common misconception amongst law-abiding people that making something illegal will change other people's behaviour, because they themselves change their behavour in response to a change in law.

As society becomes increasingly fragmented, the fraction of the earth's population that could be described as "law-abiding" is decreasing rapidly, and the process is further accelerated by governments that bow to the pressure of special interests.

Examples of laws that are defied or ignored abound.
Here on Slashdot we tend to revile copyright laws, and other IP laws.
Others openly defy laws controlling substances -- drugs, alcohold, tobacco etc.

Why on earth -- or above it -- would anyone abide by a "law" that would be ultimately unenforceable?

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