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Comment Re:Can I be on Slashdot... (Score 1) 109

It's definitely interesting. These guys wrote some code to do something with the phone that is not what the phone was designed to do and is unexpected. And it is cool that they do it with just what was in the phone. But I did watch a 7 minute video hoping to see the thing do its trick and ended up having to watch it on the website of the company.

Why Hasn't 3D Taken Off For the Web? 320

First time accepted submitter clockwise_music writes "With HTML5 we're closer to the point where a browser can do almost everything that a native app can do. The final frontier is 3D, but WebGL isn't even part of the HTML5 standard, Microsoft refuses to support it, Apple wants to push their native apps and it's not supported in the Android mobile browser. Flash used to be an option but Adobe have dropped mobile support. To reach most people you'd have to learn Javascript, WebGL and Three.js/Scene.js for Chrome/Firefox, then you'd have to learn Actionscript + Flash for the Microsofties, then learn Objective-C for the apple fanboys, then learn Java to write a native app for Android. When will 3D finally become available for all? Do you think it's inevitable or will it never see the light of day?"

Comment Re:Curiosity cost $2B USD (Score 1) 71

But we could have given it to condensed matter physics research, which gets way less than NASA, or other branches of physics, such as particle physics, yet has numerous applications, while still contributing to our fundamental understanding of the world, through applications of quantum field theory and statistical mechanics.

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