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Comment Re:A Muslim guy should make this a stand up routin (Score 1) 527

I'd link to the actual comic, but they are having problems at Blind Ferret right now. It's somewhere in here (or will be when they get back up properly):


Running gag, as it were. Also, it might be "tried to buy" instead of bought. Yeah, good times.

Comment Re:Just block all ads and don't worry about it (Score 1) 716

I'll bet the guy above you thinks he needs to spend at least 5 seconds per billboard or something when he's driving along the road. "Oops, I missed that one, I'll have to make a U-turn and go back to see it." Christ on a stick, an "implied contract". "I'm shoving shit in your face, there's an implied contract that you have to read it!"

Comment Re:Just block all ads and don't worry about it (Score 1) 716

The site is still here because others are viewing the ads so they are still making enough revenue to keep the site running.

This site is still here even though I HAVE ADBLOCK TURNED ON, as do I imagine a bunch of other people. In fact, I have the little box in the corner that says "turn off ads" available to me. I haven't clicked it, but I could. So, specifically for Slashdot, it doesn't matter whether it have Adblock or not, my experience it the same. And so is Slashdot's. They aren't getting any money from me. They never have. And yet, they still manage to hang around giving me free crap. Imagine that!

If they asked me to pay, I'll consider the request, and maybe will or maybe just go away.

They did ask you, that's why they keep reminding you about the Subscriber benefits. You just choose to ignore their requests because they aren't demanding it.

So the fuck what? They asked me to donate my firstborn for their blood sacrifices as well, and I turned that down too. "But, you're depriving them of a blood sacrifice, how can you do that?" Sheesh.

So why are you here if you're not getting anything in return? You've made over 100 comments, so surely you're getting some benefit from the site? Just because you're not getting a tangible reward (like a wallpaper? That's worth paying for!?) doesn't mean that the site doesn't offer any benefit.

I bet you are just wracked with guilt when you take a free sample of a cookie at the mall and don't run and go buy a cookie, plus a soda. So I get a benefit, so what? If they said, Pay up, or we can't let you read/contribute/mouth off any more, at that point, I'll decide whether it's worth it. Until that day, I'm eating the free cookies.

You have a skewed way of thinking. You actually value the advertisers more than the websites you're visiting. That's just weird.

You have it backwards - I tolerate the ads so I can support the website. I don't visit the website to view the ads, if that's what I wanted I'd just to to the advertiser's site directly.

And I don't tolerate the ads at all. Not one fucking little bit. If the sites can't figure some way to make money and thus fails, fine by me. I'm not insisting they have a paywall or not. I'm not insisting they let me have stuff for free or force me to pay. THEY ARE THE ONES GIVING AWAY FREE SHIT. I did not demand it. But I'll take advantage of it, until such time as I can't anymore. Do you think they are crying in their beer about it? If they were, they WOULDN'T BE GIVING IT AWAY.

There was a site a while back that detected if you had ad blocking software and didn't let you go any further if you did. Fine. I never visited the site. Didn't help him, and didn't hurt me. Don't know if the guy is still around or not. Don't care. If he is, fine, he figured out how to make it work, good on him. If not, well, probably shouldn't have tried to force ads on people. Funny how that just worked out that way.

Comment Re:Just block all ads and don't worry about it (Score 1) 716

What kind of crack are you smoking? I've never seen an add on Slashdot, and it's still here. So boo hoo, tomorrow they close up because they can't figure out how to make money other than shoving ads in my face? If they asked me to pay, I'll consider the request, and maybe will or maybe just go away. I actually do support other sites, usually getting something in return, like a book or a wallpaper. So, yeah, I'll pay money. But I rarely ever see ads. None of the sites I've ever been to that have closed down have complained that "ad money was down" so sorry, goodbye.

You have a skewed way of thinking. You actually value the advertisers more than the websites you're visiting. That's just weird.

Comment Re:Just block all ads and don't worry about it (Score 0) 716

Either way you are talking about someone's business model. A model I don't have to support. They HOPE I'll view the ad, they HOPE I'll click on it, or just glance at it or whatever. So what? I control what my browser displays. I control what gets downloaded to my computer. I control the size of the font, whether pictures are displayed, what color everything is in. I control all of it. And their BUSINESS MODEL is that they HOPE I'll see their shit. That is a piece of shit BUSINESS MODEL that I DON"T HAVE TO PARTICIPATE IN. AT ALL. EVER. They don't like it, they are free to try something else to get my attention, or try someone else, or ban me from their website, or whatever they might think of to make money. But they can't force me to download their shit if I don't want to.

Why the fuck do you care about someone else's business model? Isn't this Slashdot? Screw the buggy whip manufacturers, and the RIAA middle men and all that? I do not give a shit about advertisers. If they can't survive, and the website closes down, I AM FINE WITH THAT. I am stealing nothing. Fuck them if they can't take it.

Comment What the hell is wrong with you people? (Score 0) 716

What a bunch of fucking pussies. I don't have to look at the goddamn ads. At all.


Newspaper comes, I throw the ads away without reading them. Website comes up, I block the ads. They don't want me there, they can block me. They don't have to give me their content. If they are just going to hope beyond hope that maybe I'll click an ad, well too bad. If I want the content, and the only way to get it is to pay, I want it bad enough I pay. Otherwise, I go elsewhere or just forget it.

So who am I hurting by doing this? People who's business model is to HOPE I click on a particular area of the web page. And that's a good business model?

Comment Re:Just block all ads and don't worry about it (Score 5, Insightful) 716

I was going to say I shouldn't have to point out how stupid your argument is, but considering how stupid it is I guess I must. Point it out. The stupidity, that is. What you suggest is stealing. What I am doing is merely averting my eyes. I don't have to look at the goddamn ads. Fuck 'em if they can't come up with some other way to make money. To belabor the point, what am I stealing by not looking at ads? Should the police come to my house and arrest me if I throw the ads from the newspaper away without reading them all first? Fuck that.

Comment Re:Just block all ads and don't worry about it (Score -1) 716

Yeah, I was going to say something similar, but also, don't even worry about it. The question is dumb. If I can block the ads, then there is no moral problem with it. If a site wants to figure out a way to force them on me I'll either accept it or move on. It's evolution in action. Sites with less obtrusive or blatant ads will be more likely to get my business. If sites don't want me to visit with Adblock turned on, I won't visit. They either figure some other way to make money off me or they die.

People seem to think ads are some official or holy thing. It's just another useless business model that will eventually have to figure out another way to work. If the internet can't work without ads, the screw it, it can't work.

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