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Comment Re:Not quite, try unpaid hours (Score 1) 336

To be fair, they're working on it, trying new stuff. Holacracy, various attempts at being "agile".. Not all of them are working out, but trial and error is the only thing they can do.

It is true of course that in traditional hierarchal organizations blame goes up, making management responsible. But as you said, that is an industry wide phenomena, so the (widely acknowledged, also by managers) problem has to be deeper. For example, Holacracy (which I only learned about yesterday, so my information on that is sketchy at best) tries to address the issue on the organizational structure, trying to fix the problem on that level. Could work, who knows.

My point is that managers can't do their jobs without the metrics you already mentioned, and the evidence suggests they cannot get those on their own. Research might help, otherwise we could end up in an endless loop of trial and error ("maybe this time it works out!"). I don't know if there is anything being done in academia, but it would seem to make sense.

Comment Re:STEM Shortage (Score 1) 336

Useless VPs? I have yet to meet such a person. On the other hand, I have met a lot of engineers who seemed to feel they understood the whole world and everything within it, and considered management to a useless waste of time and money. Those were usually the ones who needed management the most, as they were completely oblivious to business considerations - which in the end puts food on their tables.

Comment Re:Just a question on Jira stability (Score 1) 70

First off, it's not a either the software or the sysadmins. Lots of things can break in between, I suppose that's especially true when there are strict processes in place, as I imagine the workings of an airline company.
That said, I've worked with Atlassian products (lots of Jira, Confluence, and Fisheye, but only a little Stash), and while I'm not a big fan (I find them bloated), I can't complain about their stability. Our admin team wasn't especially large, one could say understaffed, so I doubt they could afford to invest much time into its maintenance.

Comment Re:Brilliant idea (Score 1) 193

Watches have been at least in large parts fashion accessory for a while now, their convenience factor not necessarily being what sells them. Especially their upscale incarnations. From what I know of Apple's watch, the convenience takes even more of a backseat with its short battery life and very high price.

That really leaves this to be something primarily used by rich people to show off their wealth, like for example Rolex watches. Maybe unluckily for Apple, Rolex watches probably do last multiple generations, while, as you said, Apple's watch will be outdated much quicker than that.

Comment Re:And what good would it do? (Score 1) 447

While I agree that this character assassination, especially with the guy's last name included and therefore the whole family involved, is not a good sign for the general journalistic integrity.

However, you are forgetting another crucial piece of evidence, the descent rate, which we have from radar data. It seems to be consensus on every source I read, that the very smooth descend rate must be autopilot controlled, and setting the autopilot's target altitude is pretty involved, and must be done intentionally.

That said, yes, they were very fast with laying the blame on the co-pilot. Disturbingly so. Let's hope the investigation will actually continue, though the plane was disintegrated, and the they're even publicly saying that the second recorder might never be found.

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