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Comment I feel sorry for you (Score 1) 201

I feel sorry for all of you south of the border. Verizon was, without exception, the worst telco I ever dealt with as far as internet goes. When Canada was rolling out DSL and cable like crazy, Verizon in Delaware was offering up 28.8 dial-up. No options. No choices. That's all you could get. You couldn't even use a 56K modem because they used the high compression voice codecs on their lines, and you couldn't get a data line. You couldn't even get ISDN if you were willing to pay for it. :(

Comment I agree (Score 5, Interesting) 514

Both Canada and the US have no shortage of tech workers. What they have is a shortage of companies willing to pay the prevailing wage, benefits, etc.

I've lost three jobs over the years to "lowest price" bidders -- every single one of which was an Indian-run sweatshop bringing in their workers from overseas and working them to death without paying overtime.

I worked in the US on temporary visas for up to three years at a time (annual renewals), spending over 12 years in the US in total. Was I ever sponsored for residency? Of course not -- then I'd have had some rights and freedoms. The money was good, and I don't regret the time I spent there, but I'm firmly on the side of the anti-H1-B crowd -- it's all a scam to benefit the bottom line of big business, not a legitimate shortage of skilled workers.

Comment The time for "from scratch" is gone for ALL of IT (Score 4, Insightful) 302

I can't think of a single thing I do or would want to do with a computer that doesn't have some sort of toolkit, library, framework, or other component out there to get a "leg up" on doing the work, unless you're only doing the most basic and simplistic pieces of code or presentation. In the case of HTML, that means a text document without images, video, or sound; never mind "active" components of the interface via JavaScript.

The hardest lesson to learn as a programmer is that "not invented here" is code for "I am too arrogant to use someone else's solution."

Comment Subscribe to an OS? Yah, right. (Score 1) 570

Microsoft just jumped the shark. Big time.

There is no way in hell I would "upgrade" from 7 to an OS that requires subscription fees. The only reason I have it instead of Linux on the laptop is to run a couple of database products that I couldn't get going under Debian. If I could get Oracle, Sybase, and SQL Server to run under Debian, there wouldn't be a Windows Virus in this house.

Comment Re:PL/I on TIOBE (Score 1) 386

Man, that's a blast from the past. In my first year of university back in fall of '82, we used the PL/C subset of PL/1. Kind of a shitty language for introducing people to programming, but I'd been coding BASIC and assembler (Z-80) since I was 14, so it was mainly an issue of learning syntax for me.

Comment I added a section *just for you* (Score 2) 75

I added a section to the website just for you. Don't you feel special?

Target Audience

This tool is meant for use by experienced systems programmers who have extensive experience with one or more of the supported databases.

If you are in management and find the "buzzwords" and "technobabble" confusing, you really should have one of your senior developers look at the site and try out the tool. They're the ones who should be making technology decisions.

If you consider yourself a "programmer" and you find the "buzzwords" and "technobabble" confusing, then the odds are I'm trying to automate your job out of existence.

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