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Comment Re:Wouldn't work (Score 1) 313

Clearly you do not program. The toughest components to design properly are those generic components that you'd require if you wish to have your paradise. The reason we create new wheels is because the set of current wheels will not fit the vehicle. Since most of us have clients that control what the vehicle looks like, what you're after is a pipe dream.

Comment Re:Good point (Score 1) 120

Actually, for this one case, without a custom form altogether you'll be in a world of pain. The current solution we're working through invloves field_collection set to unlimited cardinality which hosts the date field with repeat. Damn thing will not submit, though (and you have to adjust the form elements parent's array or else the js messes up too). Oh well... perhaps in an update or two... but we opted for creating our own form handling for all of this to avoid it all.

Comment Re:Drupal (Score 1) 120

There is a caveat though. It's not possible to have multiple different repeats of an event. So something like every thursday at 7 and every friday at 8 is not possible without at least going though entity collection (which complicates things). Also, the event entry interface is quite lacking... haven't found a way get a full stack without at least doing the entry form through a custom module.

Comment Re:civiCRM (Score 1) 120

It's almost always a mistake to hand over the same admin interface you get in drupal to your clients. We solve this by building one for them. A couple of views here and there (with bulk ops), and panels with rules for fine tuning and you can almost always create a simple enough admin interface for them. Alternatively, you can write up a small module just for that purpuse to have full control of it. Use Beans in stead of raw blocks, use Entityforms instead of Webforms so that you can easily setup prebuilt UI facing forms and Organic Groups is almost often good enough to fine tune permissions across multiple roles. Use Nodequeue for things like slideshow management. I find that with Drupal, if you don't have a final idea in mind before you begin, it'll almost always be clunky, but conversly, with a solid plan, it's a trivial matter of knowing your modules.

Comment Re:Biology workbook (Score 1) 770

Don't really have a point, friend. Mental masturbation, perhaps? In this case you are letters on a screen, that's all I percieve on my end of the deal. The illusion, therefore, is a necessity -- but I'm aware of the nature of this illusion. You are wrong in that I would percieve *you* to have no mind, just that the fermentation itself (my window to you) doesn't. It would be unwise not to make the distinction. Your conclusion would be a false dichtomy.

Comment Re:Isn't this the ultimate goal? (Score 1) 732

What I see, plain as day, is the lack of discipline, the lack of respect for discipline, and the lack of value western society places on discipline as a personal virtue. Because of this we collectively tend to behave like monkeys rather than human, and have the collective potential of monkeys for the most part.

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