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Comment Re:What a good little slave you are (Score 1) 510

Oh please, the US is just offloading their economic fragility on everybody else because they can: so you may not be in recession technically, but the fact that you are printing dollars on demand and dumping your crappy "financial inventions" on the rest of the world is hiding the fact that you are in fact far over the edge of a default.

Comment Re:FireFox - the browser for people who want less. (Score 1, Troll) 224

I still think Firefox is one of the browsers to have: of all the browsers developers, they really care about freedom on the web.
Temporarily abandoning the 64bit Windows builds is more of a lack of resources than poor development.
Please also note that Chrome is not available for 64 bit Windows either...

Comment Re:CMYK (Score 1) 737

No, I don't think GIMP's font rendering is inadequate, I just said that even if it had CMYK you'd find something else to complain about. So keep using Photoshop, nothing wrong with that.

Comment Re:CMYK (Score 1) 737

That's what I find absurd: people gripe about the GIMP about not being useful for professionals. Professionals make enough money to buy themselves the best tool for the job (Photoshop or other tools). Otherwise it is a hate-fest.

Comment Re:CMYK (Score 3, Insightful) 737

Even if GIMP supported CMYK, you'd still complain about it not being useful for professional work for some other reason (e.g. font rendering). GIMP is quite good for screen graphics, and that's what most people do.

Comment Re:I've noticed one big difference (Score 1) 266

Apache licenses are favoured by projects which have corporate sponsorship and funding.
GPL licenses are favoured by "grass roots" efforts which have no funding.
The question is the funding a cause or an effect of the choice of license?</p></quote>
Yes, like the first $1 billion open source company in the world... not! All of Red Hat's stuff is LGPL.

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