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Comment Re:thanks (Score 1) 475

Amazon hasn't done anything with Bitcoin - the gift cards are sold by a third-party (, IIRC). And gyft only takes bitcoin via a third-party payment processor. For merchants, "accepting bitcoin" in this way is almost identical as "accepting credit cards" with Square as the processor.

Comment Re:Interesting theory (Score 1) 207

I used to do that for a 200MB file on on dialup. I think the point is that content sizes are growing rapidly, expecting broadband speeds to keep up. The concern is that people are afraid of the current stagnation, and how it might mean that in a few years, your download of that 50GB patch will take longer than 30-40 minutes.

Comment Re:Good (Score 5, Insightful) 162

Honestly, I found the name "Unobtainium" no less plausible than a number of the heavier elements in the periodic table. Comparing "Unobtainium" to, say... "Promethium", "Ununoctium", "Berkeluim", "Californium"; not to mention a number of the proposed names for the current temporary ones... How does "Unobtainium" defy logic any more than those do?

Or are you claiming that because we haven't discovered it yet, it doesn't exist? In a science fiction movie. Really? Really?

As for orbital bombardment... That's probably the part the Cameron didn't show. Humans go down to the surface and try to strip-mine politely because of politics. Think of the PR win that it would be for the (then current) administration if they can convince these primitive creatures to live/act like humans! But now that we're kicked off planet, time to warm up the nukes.

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