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Comment try MediaBrowser w/ VMC/W7MC (Score 0, Redundant) 536

WMC is "good enough" but you really want something like MediaBrowser is you have a lot of ripped DVDs or saved videos.

It is currently free and open sourced.
Although the authors want to move to a pay but open source model, mostly due to the popularity of it and how that eats into their time. They seem a bit slow to move onto that model however.

MB will automatically pull metadata info from the TVDB and Movie DB (open APIs) for your movies and videos (assuming they are named in a way MB understands).
Based upon that metadata it'll do genre/studio/release date sorting, and keeps track of your watch & partly-watched videos.
Has about 3-4 themes (supported by the respective authors) and within those themes a series of views (poster, banner, coverflow, thumbnail, etc.).

Also MB had a Music plug-in in the works (haven't tried it).
And it can handle VMC and W7MC recorded videos. (also haven't tried personally)
You can also look towards MyMovies but that is really DVD-centric. Although it is a great source for movie metadata.

Comment plus MediaBrowser (Score 1) 536

WMC is "good enough" but you really want something like MediaBrowser is you have a lot of ripped DVDs or saved videos.

It is currently free and open sourced.
Although the authors want to move to a pay but open source model, mostly due to the popularity of it and how that eats into their time. They seem a bit slow to move onto that model however.

MB will automatically pull metadata info from the TVDB and Movie DB (open APIs) for your movies and videos (assuming they are named in a way MB understands).
Based upon that metadata it'll do genre/studio/release date sorting, and keeps track of your watch & partly-watched videos.
Has about 3-4 themes (supported by the respective authors) and within those themes a series of views (poster, banner, coverflow, thumbnail, etc.).

You can also look towards MyMovies but that is really DVD-centric. Although it is a great source for movie metadata.

Comment Eminent Domain bonanza!!!! (Score -1, Troll) 183

This will be an Eminent Domain bonanza!!!!

This is just a land grab trifecta

1) you have Kelo v. City of New London saying that any taking by the government is for "the public use", allowing the government to openly grab land at eminent domain prices and give it to their developer friends

2) you then have the EPA marking land as "brownfield" (i.e. bad bad very bad, not superfund bad, but bad), allowing the government to pay below eminent domain prices (i.e. rock bottom prices, "either your signature or brains will be on this contract" negotiation).

3) finally you have this being "Green". So, no court or citizens can morally oppose this (or else you hate the Earth, bad person)
4 or 3B, because "Green" is a double, a gift that keeps on giving) because this is "Green" your developer friends will get further government subsidies for building.

Man, they are good at graft and bribery in Chicago.


Journal Journal: Orwell

Orwell was supportive of individual rights, and saw it as a failing of self-proclaimed solcialists that they so often were not.

User Journal

Journal Journal: International Law: Every law is ultimately only National

There is no Global body that makes laws!
There is no international legislature (the UN ain't it), there is no international monarch. They are the two groups that make laws. When there is a 1:1 correlation between cause & effect, if you don't have the cause (international legislature) you can't have the effect (international law).
So despite the lies that a bandied about, international law doesn't exist.

Comment Average attorney salary ~$60k/yr (Score 2, Informative) 287

The average attorney salary is ~$60k per year. And that is with $300k+/yr equity partners pulling the average up.
I was in my 1st year of law school when I found out that I was making more as an engineer (BSEE) than most lawyers were making. (Fortunately, my company was paying for school & guaranteeing me a job upon graduation that involved a pay-grade jump every year for 4 years.)

The truth is, there are just too many lawyers.
Most of them can't find a job in a "real" law firm. So, instead they have to hang-up their own shingle and become sole practitioners.
Sole practitioners usually take DUI cases or other minor disputes, often for clients that decide they're unhappy with the outcome and refuse to pay.
Sole practitioners also get to be taxed on both halves of self-employment taxes, pay their own benefits and business insurance.
Good times.

Add on top of that law school is ~$100k, which most people take out loans for.
So, if you go to law school chances are high you'll graduate with the equivalent of a mortgage and no job.

It really doesn't make financial sense to get a law degree unless you have a lucrative specialty (e.g., patent or admiralty law), go to a cheap state school (e.g., ASU), or feel a moral duty akin to the priesthood.

Comment Your fundamental flaw is not understanding patents (Score 1) 83

1) A patent is a NEGATIVE right, not a positive right.
A patent doesn't give me the right to practice my invention, only prevent others from doing so.
For example, ...
I can patent an improvement to a GM engine (which they have patents on).
But, because GM has existing patents on their engine, you can't start making knock-off GM engines that include your invention.
Now, if you are clever, you can make an adapter kit that, once someone has bought a GM engine from GM, they can adapt their GM engine to make use of your invention.
The reason is, patents tend to be layered unto of one another.

So, requiring that people sell their invention won't work because it tramples on other's patents.
This is why some industries (e.g., semi-conductors) rely on cross-licensing deals.

2) The patent system is already a two-way street.
You give the public knowledge of your invention (versus keeping it a trade secret), and the government gives you an invention.
If you aren't willing to pay that price (give up your trade secret) you can go the Coke formula route and hope that no one comes up with a Pepsi or RC for your product.

Not that patent trolls aren't a problem, it is just that your solutions assume a different architecture than exists.


Submission + - IRS Auditing Creator Of TaxCheatStamps.com (pajamasmedia.com)

Dissent is Patriotism writes: "Today I, Michael Williams, received a letter from the IRS that my 2007 tax returns are being audited. Less than one month after launching TaxCheatStamps.com.

TaxCheatStamps.com is a site that encourages people to stamp, with the words "Tax Cheat", any bills signed by Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner.

There's a list of "proposed changes" they want to make to my 2007 return that would require me to pay almost $14,000 in taxes, penalties, and interest. All the "discrepancies" they list are bogus and I have documentation to prove it. I keep meticulous records and always pay every cent I owe to Uncle Sam. We're going to talk to a lawyer ASAP.

There is no doubt in my mind that my family is being politically persecuted for making a mockery of our new Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner and the Obama administration.

Honestly, we're scared. We haven't done anything wrong (and I've got the documents to prove it in storage) but now the IRS is coming after us and they can destroy our lives with a flick of their pen. I don't want to sound like a coward, but I'm so scared I'm literally shaking. We've got a seven-week-old daughter.

I suppose it's a sort of honor to be persecuted like this. I'd really appreciate it if people would blog about this and link to this post. (And a prayer wouldn't hurt.)"

Comment No subtitles; No menu features (Score 4, Informative) 113

OK, first off I love Netflix Video On Demand feature. It was in fact one of the main reasons I setup my Media Center.
I suggest either Anthony Perkin's (IIRC) MyNetflix plugin or the better vmcNetflix plugin (both for Vista)

But here is the deal:
What you get is essentially VHS. Both in terms of features & resolution.
No subsitiles option (forgien you have them; English you don't)
No menus and therefore no special features.

This is an odd mix.
You don't have the full Netflix selection.
New releases are hit and miss. It really depends on what the studios let Netflix put on there.
The selection compaired to other VoD systems is very good. Especially the TV shows (which aren't in HD anyhow).
Also I al amazed by how quickly they are adding titles to the VoD service

So, Netflix VoD is not a replacement for TV.
Or cable VoD services (for new releases)
However, with your normal Netflix subscription (~$15) it is free. And that makes a huge difference.
Now I have a massive selection of shows I can watch anytime I want. I have access to TV shows that really aren't rerun anymore.
Internet Explorer

Submission + - How do you block ads in embedded IE?

Anonymous writes: There are plenty of ad/pop-up blockers than work well when running IE as a stand alone application, but how do you block ads when running IE as an embedded object (e.g., in Firefox using the IE Tab plug-in)? Are proxies, either local or as a server, the only solution?

Submission + - Canada bans complaining about speech restrictions

Anon E. Mouse writes: Calling Speech Restrictors "Enemies of Free Speech" Can Now Lead to Legal Liability in Canada:

Richard Warman, a lawyer who worked as an investigator for the Canadian Human Rights Commission, often filed complaints against "hate speech" sites — complaints that were generally upheld under Canadian speech restrictions.
Paul Fromm, a defender of various Holocaust deniers and anti-Semites, has been publicly condemning Warman for, among other things, being "an enemy of free speech."
Warman sued, claiming that these condemnations are defamatory.

Friday, the Ontario Superior Court held for Warman — chiefly on the grounds that because Warman's claims were accepted by the legal system, they couldn't accurately be called an attack on free speech.

Snippets of the opinion may be found at the legal blog, The Volokh Conspiracy.

Eugene Volokh writes:

It seems to me that Fromm was simply expressing opinions that the court disapproved of — that people who try to restrict "hate speech" are "enem[ies] of free speech," that people who are punished for hate speech are "dissidents," that people who for ideological reasons use the law to restrict speech they disagree with are ideologues who want only to deny freedom of speech to those with whom they disagree. Who is an "enemy of free speech" obviously turns on the speaker's view of free speech, and the view that he expects his audience to share, or that he wants to persuade his audience to share. Who deserves to be labeled with the generally positive term "dissident" depends on what dissent the speaker believes to be legitimate and morally proper.

Yet the Canadian justice system not only allows the suppression of certain viewpoints, and excludes them from free speech restrictions. With this case, it also tries to deny critics the right to label the speech they support "free speech," and the dissenters they like "dissidents."

The court is insisting that Canadians' speech not only follows the government-approved ideology on the topic of race, ethnicity, and religion (an ideology that I agree with, but that I don't think should be legally coerced). It is also insisting that Canadians' speech follows the government-approved ideology and terminology on the topic of free speech itself.

Submission + - Microsoft kills off HP legacy drivers 1

couchslug writes: I went looking for drivers for a friend and found this proof that Microsoft can make use of older Windows versions more difficult." http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/document?docname=c01080344&lc=en&cc=us&dlc=en&product=59270&lang=en "As of July 2007, HP will no longer be able to offer driver downloads or replacement driver CD ordering for Windows 98, 98 Second Edition (SE), or Windows Millennium (Me) for your HP printer, all-in-one, camera, or scanner. Microsoft has stopped providing and supporting certain files related specifically to Windows 98 SE, and this change affects all technology companies. HP, along with other technology companies, is no longer able to use selected components in support of Windows 98SE, which has an impact on our software strategy for Windows 98, Windows 98 SE, and Windows Me. HP will continue to provide other selected HP software and applications that do not depend on Windows 98 SE components for the foreseeable future."

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