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Comment Re:Quothe the raven, "Forevermore". (Score 2) 205

I think eventually, yes. Just as we are not able to sense the vast majority of EM radiation, we mapped the spectrum and can sense most of it - and all we started with was detection of radiative heat and visual light.

I do think it would have taken much longer to arrive at the understandings we currently hold, but I don't think being able to see visible light was critical to arrive where we are. We would come up with ways to communicate and think about information with the senses we had.

Comment Re:No absolute speed governor? (Score 1) 393

I've played around in a simulator - what's the system that requires the driver to acknowledge speed changes? I think it's popular in Europe. From my understanding, the board makes a noise and a light, and the driver has to mash a button. If they fail to mash the button within the grace period, the train cuts acceleration and applies braking. The idea behind this is to ensure the driver is not inattentive (for whatever reason - heart attack, falling asleep, texting, rock throwing...)

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