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Comment Re:The 21st Century is (Score 1) 360

You can't stop being racist can you?

You will be the victim for the rest of your life, and you will make your children the victim, and you will teach them that other innocent children that were born with a specific skin color are evil and receive unjust benefits.

Keep blaming white people on a continuous basis for your problems. Just don't be surprised when one of us cracks one day and beats the ever loving shit of you because you kept bashing us our whole lives based on race.

When they beat the shit out of you because the of the vileness that leaks from your pie hole, continue to be the victim and think it was about racism directed towards you instead of racism coming from you.

Racism not only doesn't cure racism, it BREEDS it.

Comment Re:The 21st Century is (Score 1) 360

Then just kill us all you evil mother fucker.

I was born white and I deserve to die, or at the very least, have my wealth (which I don't have anyways) stripped from me and distributed amongst the people of different non-white colors.

Are you going to walk around with some Pantone color swaths and distribute my body and my belongings based on it?

Nothing changes the fact that you wish me punished based on the color of my skin today, and I NEVER did ANYTHING to deserve it.

Those benefits you think I receive I don't.

So why don't you just end this now and start the fucking race war? Let's kill each other till there is only one color left. You've made it abundantly clear your completely incapable of moving forward.

I'm not guilty of shit. Yet you clearly want me punished.

Well stop being a pussy, go get some weapons, and make something happen. That will be better than living in this cluster fuck right now where you act like a victim continuously and I have no means to defend myself either.

Comment Re:The 21st Century is (Score 1) 360

None of what you find in the past is a justification for racism today in any way, shape, or form.

It's not about being right.

It's about stopping racism today, and that means that YOU have to stop.

Stop being racist and get rid of your illusions of white privilege.

You deny me my honor, my dignity, erase whatever perception of compassion and empathy I might possess in others, and all due to my skin color.

You pollute yourself with that negativity as well.

What you don't understand you horrific piece of shit, is that you make victims out of us both when you engage in such petty, hurtful behavior.

I'm white. I was born white. I can't change that. I'm not racist.

You would take from me because of the color of my skin, and nothing you say will change the facts. Your statements support racism today.

You are the problem.

Comment Re:The 21st Century is (Score 1) 360

This. We get to become victims of racism and can't even complain about it.

You're the joke. You're a racist that thinks he isn't racist because your target has a specific skin color. Why do you evil fucktarded people think that ONLY white people can perform acts of racism?

It's logically precluded by the very definition of the world itself.

Don't let logic interfere with your white man bashing though. Why don't you just take it a step further and start the race war now? If it does happen, you will only have yourselves to blame.

You deserve all of it too. What happened in the past is horrible, but you continue to punish young men for their skin color, and have not stopped the game. You just switched sides on the board.

Instead of being intelligent and mature about it, YOU have created an entirely new generation of angry young men.

But... it is I that is lacking in humanity huh?

Comment Re:The 21st Century is (Score 1) 360

that a lot of young white men get butthurt when the concept of white, male privilege is broached in the least way

Why shouldn't they get butthurt?

You're telling them to their face that they somehow have privileges based on the color of their skin (which is wholly untrue), and you associate them with that based on something that they have no control over at all.

Then you teach them that we use racism in Affirmative Action to balance the white privilege that is an illusion in of itself. You simply cannot convince them, or me, that the white privilege exists when we do nothing to perpetuate it. We don't even benefit from it.

It's wholly negative too. White privilege is an absolutely terrible thing to say. You just associated them with something incredibly negative and detrimental towards society, and they have no means to defend themselves at all . They're not adults, and probably lack the sophistication and maturity that comes with age to moderate an emotional response. I do, and I still get very emotional over this because I believe it is the true face of racism today. To make it worse, people call it "reverse-racism". What the heck does that even mean? Not only are we victims of racism, but we can't even call it racism!

They are guilty without trial, or hope for appeal, and they will spend the rest of their lives in the prison of white privilege. You get an emotional response from this situation. Why are you shocked about it?

Those young white men are trying to create a future for themselves in a world that makes it clear that they can't qualify for tons of scholarships and socialist assistance programs because, somehow, that assistance is provided by the color of their skin.

I genuinely want to know. Where is this white power world the rest of you are alluding to? Those young men don't live in it. Neither do I.

I've had to fight twice as hard with my education and work my ass off with no sympathy or help from anybody.

All over the color of my skin.

I think my butthurt is pretty damn justified.

Comment Re:The 21st Century is (Score 1) 360

Just like it hasn't cured the pain that any "black" person goes through either?

Protest too much?

Just how much protestation about racism directed at yourself is considered too much?

I just love how the moment I defend myself, and condemn clear and present racism towards white people, that I am in fact, performing racism against another group of people.

According to your logic, MLK was a racist too for having the audacity to defend himself?

Comment Re:Buy a Kindle (Score 1) 360

It's you that is the troll.

The poster brought up an extremely valid point about censorship on digital devices, which are becoming more and more used in school settings by the day.

You then slammed them, being the troll *you* are.

I defended that position. Censorship on digital devices is not unrelated to the discussion at hand, is proven to be true, and has nothing to do with Tin Foil Hats.

Not to mention censorship on digital devices has the potential to be far more damaging. Many many orders more so.

Comment Re:The 21st Century is (Score 1) 360

If you can't figure out the difference for yourself, you have issues.

What issues do I have, and what difference can I not figure out?

That doesn't make them me, and the only person who needs to realize that is me

No. Everyone else needs to realize it too, or they will blame problems in the present on you based on that skin color or ancestry.

To flip it around, what you are saying is that a young black man 80 years ago only needed to realize for himself that his skin color made no difference. We know that's not true. It was very important for everyone else in our society to realize it too.

It's personal to me because I'm part Native American. I've traced my ancestry through the Cherokee and Lakota. Yet, the only thing about me that people take away from a picture is "white man".

I don't like it. I can't do anything about my skin color or how I was born with a penis. All I ask is that I am not judged based on my skin color. Yet, very much, that is exactly what I find in my society today. I don't want young white men to grow up with that pain either.

We should be able to get past all of this, and I'm so sick and tired of the white man bashing. Not because I am white, but because it's so counterproductive and stupid.

Comment Re:The 21st Century is (Score 1) 360

Stop bringing up bullshit that has nothing to do with white people.

There are plenty of black people that have said nasty things about immigrants as well. Heck, even Mexican Americans say that shit sometimes. It's even more tragic when an Irish person says it.

All of those examples you post, speak to ALL Americans. Not just white people.

Comment Re:The 21st Century is (Score 1) 360

This water you swim in is as big as an ocean, the problem is that you just don't know what its like to be a fish out of water.

The fuck I don't.

I'm being judged for the color of my skin today, AND NOT TO MY BENEFIT EITHER. You're a fucking hypocrite and you still owe me an apology. I AM NOT PART OF INSTITUTIONAL RACISM AND I DON'T GIVE ONE FUCK ABOUT YOUR PROBLEMS WITH IT. I DIDN'T DO IT. I HAVE NEVER, NOT ONCE, EVER, PARTICIPATED IN THE OPPRESSION OF ANOTHER PERSON BASED ON THEIR SKIN COLOR. I don't really like the jokes either.

If a woman gets raped, am I somehow responsible because I got a penis?

If a black man gets beat up in Alabama in a hate crime, did I participate in it or condone it?

If a gay man gets denied a job, did I deny it?

You're a fucking clueless moron. I'm being told today that I don't qualify for any kind of social assistance whatsoever for my lack of employment and medical conditions because I'm white, mid 30s, and I have a penis.

I worked damn hard for my education. At the moment, things are pretty damn tough. I probably fall into the poor category now after losing my primary house, and my investment house that I was renting. Worked damn hard to go full doc on it too, so fuck you if you think I got it somehow by oppressing the "minorities". I got them through hard work, keeping my credit score way up (paying my fucking bills on time), and suffering. I went without many days to save for a better future.

When I moved into a condo afterwards, I got punished like a mother fucker for my credit and had to shell out over a thousand dollars in non refundable fees. My whiteness did not save my cracka ass that day.

In the last couple of months volunteering at homeless shelters I personally witnessed that white men were TOLD TO GO TO THE BACK OF THE LINE. No shit. Told... by a black priest. They were last in line to get food. The woman and children I understand, but white men don't get shit. So if you do become homeless and poor, god fucking help you if you are white and have a penis. Society apparently looks at you like a demon that can't protect itself, and now is the time to take out all the rage on it.

What fucking world do you live in?

Apparently your world continually tells me that some fucking mythical white superhero brigade exists that will pull me aside anytime I get into trouble with easy money, less consequences for my actions, and preferential treatment.

That's not my world. My entire life I've been told that I am at the back of the line for any kind of assistance. That people with a different skin color than me deserve, solely based on their skin color, preferential treatment.

No, my world has shown me that I get treated worse predicated on a simple idea that my life somehow made better by being white.

Prove me wrong you insufferable asshole. I dare you. Show up my front door tomorrow with that fabulous wealth, opportunities, and hot women that are begging to be draped over my white male shoulders for nothing.

Please. I'm waiting for my white power world. Where is it?

It is, in fact you, that is oppressing me. Why? Cuz I'm white right? Right? Am I right?

Comment Re:The 21st Century is (Score 1) 360

What a total bullshit argument.

You are not trying to say that white men are responsible for that are you? Only white men buy those clothes? ONLY white men make financial profit from it?

How much you wanna bet that if we did a study on all people wearing textiles from that country, that it would represent multiple countries, races, genders, etc.?

I got news for you. Practically NOBODY agrees with the bullshit that is carried out to bring us (and I do mean all of us) our iPhones and designer jeans.

You're being a complete fucking moron. Stop. The 1% that have all the wealth, are not a single skin color, and the 99% that are oppressed and taken advantage of, happens to have a huge white male population as well.

Bringing up that over half the world lives in economic slavery to the other half as an example of white men being evil?

Now you are just playing their game. Divide and conquer, and what better way to do it then to incite and perpetuate racial divides?

Comment Re:The 21st Century is (Score 1) 360


The Ugly Racist is revealed, and the name is tpstigers

I'm not defending white men you racist offensive fuck.

I'm defending the hearts and minds of children from your vile spew that would single them out and hurt them based on their skin color

In this particular case, the victims are young white men. Yes, I am defending them at the moment, because nobody will defend them, because according to you... they don't deserve a defense.

All based on what?

You're just as ugly and abhorrent as some white redneck 60 years ago looking to hang a black man

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