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Comment Re:Similar Programs? Any ones for employed people? (Score 1) 374

Thanks! I've seen some pretty cool online courses (and I regularly take community college courses, but the programming ones fill up quick) but I'm the type where I need the stress of a physical instructor to make me succeed. It would be stupid to say I wish I was unemployed so I could do a program like this, but I wish there was one like it that allowed employed people, and at a lesser price. :-)

Comment Similar Programs? Any ones for employed people? (Score 1) 374

I never even knew these programs exist. My goal is to get back into development. I'm working in a completely unrelated field, having a Major in Cognitive Science and minor in computing. Anyone know of similar programs to these in the Los Angeles area for fully employed people, at cheaper prices? I love the idea of these programs...thanks!

Comment Is your material interesting? (Score 1) 384

First of all, I would ask you if you're very interested in the subject you are studying? If it's your first year, chances you are doing all your GEs and some of them can be hard and boring as hell. If it is a boring class, chances are your memory isn't to blame, because everyone reads and remembers boring stuff poorly. I speak from experience. After being a straight A student in high school, I went to one of the top 20 schools in the nation, only to realize I was failing after a year or so going there. I couldn't wake up for classes, I slept in most of the day, I couldn't pay attention, etc. For a student who prized himself based upon grades, I wasn't feeling great about myself. Luckily I found out about the student psychological services. Turns out I was suffering from a mild depression and ADD. ADD? How could that be possible, I'd been a straight A student and never ran around the classroom, though I did like to blurt comments out at my teachers when I felt so inspired. I was suffering from ADD, inattentive (daydreamer) non hyperactive type. The depression stemmed from my poor performance in school. I was given different meds for the ADD until we finally found one that worked, and I took it for about a year to get on track. Now, to the point, I ended up in the most awesome major- Cognitive Science. I found it insane and awesome all at once, it engaged my brain, I loved going to school then! I was able to stop taking the meds altogether because the material enthralled me that much! I've been able to stay off the meds for 9 years altogether because the material was that interesting. Two points- get yourself checked out at the school student psych services center. You may be suffering from depression, ADD, Insomnia, any other myriad of conditions they might be able to help with, sometimes just with techniques and not pills. Secondly, find a major you love not one you think that will love you in turns of money. Good luck.

Comment Re: Not DNA... (Score 1) 562

The cost of storing metadata is relatively cheap. It's small text files. You could site the metadata if hundreds of thousands if not millions of people's metadata on a single consumer available hard drive. DNA sequencing, though improving by leaps and bounds, is still manually and computationally labor intensive.

Comment Re: Not DNA... (Score 1) 562

No doubt government lies and conceals. No debate here. Just ask yourself what they have to gain from obtaining DNA at a huge cost timewise and financially to them. The only possible scenario I see is if they wanted to get Joe Schmoes DNA so they pretend to get samples from people all around him so Joe doesn't get suspicious that govt is tracking him. But why would they go to that effort when they could just get his dna of his unfinished pizza crust at Dominos when they see him eat there. Most of what the government secretly does, get this, they do so secretly. Surprise! The news has been all over this since they did it last month. The sobriety story holds up and I can't think of any conspiracy theories that do. Common sense makes life easier for most people. Be cautious, sure, protect yourself, but use common sense. Don't be sheep blindly following news which exists not to inform you but to make money off advertising via page clicks.

Comment Not DNA... (Score 1) 562

"if they'd like to provide DNA samples" You can't detect drugs in DNA, but you can detect drugs and DNA from blood and cheek swabs. Misworded. Now people are all neurotic about their DNA being obtained when it's the content of alchohol and drugs in their system they're checking.

Comment Re: Wrong (Score 1) 549

You apparently failed to understand what you were reading. The officer's only knowledge of suspect's illegal behavior when they initiate the stop is usually a traffic offense, yes. They are not psychic and do not know that the person is fleeing because there is a weapon in the car, all they know is the suspect ran a stop sign and then refused to stop for police. But they suspect when a suspect runs that there is something more nefarious to the fleeing. It is not until they catch the suspect, if they catch them, that they find the guns, drugs etc. Don't confuse the officer's probable cause for the stop with the suspect's motivation for fleeing. If you look further down on that fbi link, you'll see the percentage of reasons why suspects fled.

Comment Wrong (Score 1) 549

They start as stops for minor offenses, but the reason most people run isn't for minor offenses. There's a subtle difference. The cop sees a person run a stop sign, they go to stop them. Is the person fleeing cause they ran a stop sign? No, the person is fleeing because they have warrants, or drugs in the car, or guns, etc. The cop doesn't know this though, they're not psychic. So, to the public, "Why did you chase him? All he did was run a stop sign!" If it comes to the attention of the bad guys that when they run and drive recklessly, that the police will stop chasing them, this will make bad guys run MORE thus endangering MORE lives in the long run. There are consequences for everything. Very few people run just because of a traffic offense, there's usually a lot more behind them running. Stopping pursuits teaches the bad guys to run more often. BAD MOVE.

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