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Submission + - How MS bought an ISO & got Sweden to say YES! 1

Landreth writes: "According to OS2 World.Com Microsoft Sweden bought the Swedish vote by rounding up Microsoft Gold Partners for the final vote regarding OOXML and by that change what should been a clear NO to a clear YES. To quote from the article:

"To be able to vote all you need is to pay the membership fee to SIS and the total cost for this was 17.000 SEK (2444 USD). Of the 23 new companies that showed up this last minute and where the majority hasn't shown any earlier interest, only Google has a clear agenda regarding OOXML and they are against it."

"Jonas Bosson who participated in today's meeting on behalf on FFII said that he left the meeting in protest and so did also IBM's Swedish local representative Johan Westman."

The article can be found at OS2 World.Com."

Submission + - Microsoft bought Swedens ISO vote on OOXML ?

a_n_d_e_r_s writes: The vote on OOXML looked fairly secured for a No vote in Sweden. Most in the Working Group In Sweden was against the vote to approve OOXML. Suddenly on the day of the vote more companies showed up at the door, some 20 more companies — each one payed about $2500 to be allowed to vote — and vote they did. Most of the new companies was strangely enough partners from Microsoft who suddenly out of the blue joined the working group, payed membership fees and voted yes for approval.

From being a fairly negative group the working group suddely had a huge majority of yay-sayers who voted for Sweden to approve OOXML as an ISO standard.

For those that want to buy the Swedish vote on an ISO standard — it only cost about $50 000 — its not too much money for anyone that want there own bought and payed for ISO standard.

This has started to brew in Sweden and the newspapers are right now starting to write about the coup against the SIS — Swedens Standards Institute http://www.sis.se/ . The workings groups position can be changed if the power to be at SIS wants to — so its not over yet.

OS2World writes about it:


Patrik Fältströms blogg about it:


Submission + - Pirate Bay hacked - 1.6 million passwords exposed

paulraps writes: More bad news for The Pirate Bay. A week after a prosecutor announced charges against the file sharing site, hackers have stolen a list of all 1.6 million usernames and passwords for registered users, reports The Local. The group calls themselves "Angry Young Hackers" and they first hit the headlines when they defaced the website of Sweden's Anti-Piracy Bureau. So now nobody knows whose side they're on. Meanwhile, The Pirate Bay is urging users to change their passwords immediately.

Submission + - MSDN or not?

An anonymous reader writes: MSDN and sub sites have vanished... dos'ing or dozing techies? — you decide!

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