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Submission + - First Shanghai Maker Carnival (usabledevices.com) 1

spanner888 writes: "The First Shanghai Maker Carnival was held this weekend in conjunction with a Creation Exhibition, an arts and crafts expo with about 200 exhibitors. Makers attended from Shanghai, Beijing and Shenzhen and visitors came from around China.

Article & photos: http://usabledevices.com/2012/11/03/first-shanghai-maker-carnival/

More photos are in this post: http://usabledevices.com/2012/11/03/first-shanghai-maker-carnival-day-2/

Videos are in this post: http://usabledevices.com/2012/11/03/shanghai-maker-carnival-2012-videos/

Other photos can be found in this thread: http://groups.google.com/group/xinchejian/browse_thread/thread/8b52af93f8b5244d"


Submission + - Nevada Approves Driverless Car Legislation (fellowgeek.com)

An anonymous reader writes: Nevada has successfully managed to get some legislation in place to regulate driverless cars, making them the first state to do so. This is big, big news, as this could be the opening that Google needs to prove its vehicles are safe and reliable.

As this is the first time that driverless car legislation has ever been handled, Nevada had to figure out the specifics for how driverless cars would be regulated. What they have settled on is a bit conservative, but not bad for a first draft, though it does keep driverless vehicles for the rich, at the moment...

Submission + - Teambox goes closed source (teambox.com)

An anonymous reader writes: Starting from Teambox 4 given the huge success of open source, the Teambox team has now closed the source, only time will tell if this was a good strategic move. From the site "Teambox 4 is not available as an open-source download. We believe it would take at least a small team of full time developers and thousands of dollars a month in servers to get it running the way it's meant to run."

a slight contradiction to what one of the main developers Pablo Villalba promised last week on the community site: "The repo for Teambox 3 is still open, but Teambox 4 is a work in progress and we won't open anything until it's stable enough, which is still months away. There will a self-hosted install." http://teambox.com/projects/teambox/conversations/238501


Submission + - MineCraft Authentication servers trouble preventin

An anonymous reader writes: MineCraft authentication servers are currently experiencing problems which is preventing users who have premium accounts from logging into online servers. if this is not DRM when it breaks down, then what is it? just a few weeks before the 1.9 release doesn't look good for notch and mojang

Submission + - China Telecom breaks web apps by preforming MITM 1

nihaopaul writes: During chinese new year which ran the beginning of February China Telecom one of only a handful of Internet providers turn't on their new MITM advertising injection system. This is their second version, however it now interferes with all web traffic over port 80.

the code itself can be seen here: http://pastebin.mozilla.org/1049772

the interesting thing about this code is that the advertising servers are not switched on but in this example we see a hijack of mozilla.com. if you use noscript like i do in firefox this warns you of the attack but is not able to prevent it due to the MITM nature of the attack, if you have a list of sites that are able to bypass noscript and you live in china i suggest removing them for the time being.

Upon phoning china telecom on their hotline number "10000" they try to give you the run around and insist advertising exists on the web and that they are not interfering with the traffic, only once you start to argue with them and go up the food chain do you get somewhere, which they are willing to disable this "service". my questions to them were "why am i paying twice for a service, i pay for it the first time, then you force me to look at your advertisements on my personal sites?" no comment is the response but a technician will follow up..

However the downside is that any web apps pulling data from sites are also being interfered with causing malformed errors.

One operator from china telecom said "i don't see any problems when i'm at home" which i quickly replied to "sure, but you're probably using IE and being that this service hasn't been fully activated yet you wont notice"

The more exposure this gets the more chance that this wont make it past testing

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