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Comment Re:Likely misdemeanor mishandling of classified in (Score 1) 434

you are moving the goalposts now.

the question is is she allowed to destroy documents on a server when documents from the server are being requested to be turned over

you dont get to decide whats personal and whats business, the DOJ (or agency making the request) decides that

Comment Re:There's Very Few Things (Score 3, Insightful) 80

You are conflating a world that is becoming warmer with a world that just *is* warmer. It may be true (I take no position) that a world that is 4-5 C warmer is better for certain classes of poor people (e.g., subsistence farmers). But a world that is changing rapidly is a calimity to poor people tied to the land, especially in a modern world with national boundaries and private property where you just can't pick up and move like our paleolithic ancestors would have.

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