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Comment WTF are they talking about? (Score 3, Interesting) 268

I work for a company that does (among other things) online assessments and data analytics. We're all about the data and how we can use that to help teachers help their kids. How is this a bad thing? The more you know about how the kids are doing, the more you can help them. I don't know how they are getting this idea of something equivalent to an expensive full body physical scan that most people cant afford (besides the fact that over time such scans will get cheaper and cheaper...).

Comment anoying and useless... (Score 4, Insightful) 380

First, I was watching cable tv when the show was interrupted by the EBS (with a computer synthesized voice, no less, yet it still sounded like a bad CB radio). My cable box inexplicably returned to some random channel that I wasnt watching. Thanks Time Warner and Motorola, your cable box SUCKS in yet another aspect. Then, hours later (at like 10pm or so), all three t-mobile cell phones got the alert. We got the alert yet again the next day. For something that occurred at around 5PM? The suspect could have been out of state or in mexico by then. At the time I was thinking, what makes this kid so special, this sort of thing probably happens daily.. I didn't know the details on the story until the next day. This might be useful if it arrived within, say, an hour or less of the incident and was sent to phones geographically within the area the suspect could have traveled in that amount of time (80 miles?).

Comment Futurama (Score 1) 383

Am I the only one who immediately thinks of all the heads in jars from Futurama? Essentially that's what this is, in a virtualized form. Just like the disembodied heads, these virtual people would be recognized as being "dead" in a sense but yet still alive in a sense... It would be interesting to note that some time after this becomes possible, the virtual brains would actually start being faster than the real originals. It could become commonplace for humans to have a second life that was better than the first, at least intellectually.

Comment Hire somebody to help (Score 1) 332

You say he may be doing this because he's just too busy... Maybe these things are not things he should be doing in his job, maybe he's better suited to something else? Maybe you need to hire somebody to do these things so he can concentrate on the other things he might actually be good at, and would then have sufficient time to do a good job. I've seen this happen where people get pushed into doing too much, and doing things they aren't good at, and then they start looking like poor workers.. well what do you expect? I realize you are probably not his boss so I don't know how you'd approach this. But there could be a very positive way of handling this. Or, maybe he's just lazy and doesn't care. Talk to him with a positive approach.

Submission + - New PHP framework beats all in speed and efficiency (

greywire writes: "A new PHP micro framework has been announced that has both lower overhead than any other framework and is faster than any previous framework. The learning curve is also much lower, and it comes already installed on nearly every web server out there."

MasterCard Forcing PayPal To Pay Higher Fees 260

iComp sends this quote from El Reg: "PayPal, Google Wallet and other online payment systems face higher transaction fees from MasterCard in retaliation for their refusal to share data on what people are spending. Visa is likely to follow suit. The amount that PayPal has to pay MasterCard for every transaction will go up as the latter introduces new charges for intermediated payment processors. This change is on the grounds that such processors don't share transaction details, which the card giants would love to get hold of as it can be used to research buying patterns and the like. Companies such as PayPal allow payments between users, so the party (perhaps a merchant) receiving the money doesn't need to be registered with the credit-card company. PayPal collects the dosh from the payer's card, and deducts a processing fee before passing the cash on to the receiving party. MasterCard would prefer the receiver to be registered directly so will apply the new fee from June to any payment that is staged in this way."

Comment Re:How come no animals have evolved 4D (Score 1) 387

Yeah and it also says that the plants grew from the earth the way they do today. God didnt just produce full grown trees, they were brought forth and then yielded seeds. It could have said "And God created trees of their full stature already bearing their fruits", but it doesn't. Also the hebrew word for day has three meanings... it means "a 24 hour day" but it also means an unspecific era of time much longer than a day. Many words had multiple meanings because they had fewer words back then, and you have to translate based on context and historical setting.

Comment Be "homeless".. (Score 1) 523

Why go all the way to malaysia? Just be homeless. And by that I mean, live out of your old VW bus or other cheap old van. These days there's plenty of free WiFi where you can work. Sleep in your car. Eat inexpensively. Or if you need actual shelter, a small industrial unit can be had for mere hundreds per month, way cheaper than an apartment. I did both, for a while. It can actually be kinda fun if you do it right. Work in the day, hang out at coffee shops in the evening. If you have a dating partner you can even crash somewhere nice a few days a week.. Never did I consider going to malaysia.

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