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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 2 declined, 0 accepted (2 total, 0.00% accepted)


Submission + - Open Source Programmer's Insurance

Crisses writes: "I'm a programmer on multiple open-source web application (php) projects. I make money by selling my services installing FOSS software, making customizations, templating sites, creating custom designs, and building modules for open-source applications under a bounty. While someone's shopping cart system is certainly financially pivotal to their business, I'm not dealing with megacorps, banks & financial industries, with billions of dollars of liability. The majority of my code is available for peer-review. My customers are individuals and small businesses. I have some general liability insurance coverage for my company, but I'd like to hear how independent programmers, sole-proprietor programming businesses, and small programming shops, are handling their insurance needs. If I go for a full coverage policy, I'm going for broke — literally. My insurance agent has been shopping around and looking high & low on my behalf, but the moment "programming" is mentioned, the underwriters run for the hills. I thought slashdotters might know more about this particular topic than the insurance agents. Does anyone know a good (read: inexpensive & comprehensive — forgive the oxymoron) underwriter who insures open source or small-fry programmers? Who is programming without coverage by design or because you can't afford coverage?"

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