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Submission + - Dutch RIAA/MPAA not ponying up for using music (

An anonymous reader writes: This story (Google translate here) is hilarious: the Dutch copyright fees distribution agency BUMA/STEMRA used a song in a clip against piracy. The clip made it's way onto DVDs (regular practice). The creator of the song has yet to be reimbursed. Given the wide distribution, we're talking a serious sum here: in the order of a million euro. Which hasn't been paid since 2007. Luckily, the creator of the song can always turn to the BUMA/STEMRA... Err?

Yes, our fabled reimbursers of artists have since 2007 failed to reimburse an artist. For work that they themselves are using.

But wait. The story becomes even weirder. A member of the board of BUMA/STEMRA (the guys who ought to pay) offered the services of his publishing company to take up this fight with the BUMA/STEMRA. Charge for this friendly service: a third of the cash.
You can hear this board member make this offer here (2:39 onwards, video in Dutch, some of the DVDs to which a clip with his song have been tacked on are showcased from 4:18). The conversation is hilarious, I'll try to add a transcript of that part in the comments.

User Journal

Journal Journal: What's wrong with the moderator points 1

For years, i'v been getting mod points for, well, maybe once a year. Not that i ever really bothered - but all of the sudden (and my ./ browsing habits did not really change) - i get modpoints time after time.
Today, i hardly spend my last modpoint and bam - i got 5 new modpoints again. For the 5th time in 2 weeks time. What's wrong with it - is it horribly bugged, or are the odds of 'random' just teasing me?


Submission + - Microsoft alleged anticompetitive practices agains (

andydread writes: We discussed the accusation against Microsoft by Barnes and Noble about their patent attacks on Android. The details are out on the extent that Microsoft has gone to make open source undesirable in the marketplace. Barnes and Noble says that this is not just about Android. According to B&N Its about all open source in general and they have filed a detailed complaint (PDF) with the ITC spelling out what they call "extortive practices" on the part of Microsoft against open source. Now we have a list of the actual patents in question and B&N explaining how each one of these patents are invalid.

Comment It sais 'took' (Score 2) 344

The poll sais 'took' but a better wording would be 'will take', as i still have not done it.

Last year i did it in time. The year before i let some clocks just run on summertime for half a year, saving me the effort of adjusting, and on the fly introducing a little mental challenge every time i wanted to observe it.

Next year i plan to adjust the clocks pro-active. When wintertime arrives i'll adjust them for summertime, and vice versa. That'll save me a lot of time.

Comment A better monitor (Score 1) 522

I replaced any part on any computer i possesed, occasionaly (=once) i replaced the entire pc but mostly my pc just 'evolved', but that was not the question. The poll is asking for 'Best Upgrade', and without doubt the best was to replace my CRT with a LCD. Before that, the best one was to replace the mouse with an optical version. 3rd best must be the G15 i purchased, because that's the only USB keyboard that survives and still types properly. The rest of the PC is not relevant, of course i like my gigaherzes and a new video card and more memory but what use has it when working at a remote shell, typing emails or /. posts.. To me, investing in proper human interface devices proven most valuable to me in the long run, if only i had realized it earlier...

Comment Re:Paid customer services are a pain (Score 1) 413

I'm sorry, while i understand the correct plural of 'forum' is 'forums' in english, in dutch we mimic the original latin grammar making the plural of 'forum' to be 'fora' (and 'museum' like 'musea' etc). Our school teachers made pretty damn sure that we would do this correctly, and thus it has slipped into my english in unguarded moments.

Comment Paid customer services are a pain (Score 1) 413

Paid customer services, like character recustomization and especially migration have been deadly for certain realms and games in general.

If your friends move to another realm, you have 2 options: transfer your own character, or quit playing. The same goes when a previously florishing realm goes 'dead' - people either move either quit playing.

Blizzard neglected this issue way too long - look at their fora, for certain realm subfora this is the most common complaint 'our realm was good but now everyone left there's : not even enough players to raid with / too many opponents / etc. The character transfers also heavily affected PvP - no-one wants to belong to the 'loosers' so a lot of battlegroups got serious balancing issues. -There are other indications that blizzard didnt take PvP serious enough, like heavy class imbalances, but in my opinion it were the character migrations that have been deadly for certain realms...

Last not least - blizzard 'hardened' the content. While most will agree that a lot of content in previous expansions was 'too easy' (major cause of this being 'epics' too easily available - hence the term 'welfare epics' was introduced) - the balance now swapped to the other side and a lot of semi-casual guilds and players just gave up on the raiding content because it was 'too hard'. Blizz still being king of content - they'd better taken some of the complaints on the fora more serious as they seem to be unaware of certain issues that every player is aware of..

So.. i'm not surprised - it's still a great game but it cries for more variation in the content to please both hardcore, casual, PvE and PvP players - and yes, the players got spoiled over the years, too, demanding a better game all the time ;)

Comment Re:What if... (Score 1) 379

This might explain accelerating expansion of the universe (anti-matter continues to apply a repulsive force).

The expansion of the universe has nothing to do with galaxies 'just drifting apart' but involves the stretching of space itself. might be a good, albeit mind-boggling, read.

Comment It's a beauty. (Score 1) 688

Luckily, i see others 'defending' .NET here too. Cause just because it's from Microsoft 'it must be bad' is a very invalid statement. That it isn't portable is simply a troll too, that just depends on the libraries you use, very much like any other language. There's .NET, there's mono. If portability is a key, use mono (or make sure it compiles on mono), and you'r pretty much set.
I rejected .NET for long time too, just for the same invalid reasons, until i actually gave it a shot.. Let me state a few conclusions:

* The language itself is a beauty. Really. It's the best and most beautiful programming language i ever met. It's powerful, it has very nice language constructs, it has about everything a programmer could wish for - and more. From the beauty stance of view, C# is Claudia Shiffer whereas Java would be the average south european, Python the average german, Ruby the average american, pearl the average russian geek and c++ just a plain troll from the tundra.

* It is very portable. I developed some standalone specialiced servers. To deploy it on my linux server, i just copy the frikking binaries. No more. No less. It _just_ _works_. Yes, there are some details. 32 vs 64 bit, for example. Or platform-dependant assemblies. It is hardly an issue. Of course, integrating IE in your app would be windows only. Or take winforms, it is what it sais: forms for windows. Use GTK if you need cross-platform UI's, for example, as mono defaults too.

* It's versatile. From UI's, stand alone server apps, http integration (ASP). Actually, a lot of ASP solutions run on apache + mono. Stating that C# has only use for a few niches is simply false. Of course, take the right tool for the job, up to you to decide, but there's not much that could be excluded by definition.

Now, the cons:
* It's managed code, rendering it a bit slower than strictly needed. However, this has the advantage of easifying cross-platform binaries. The same as Java does. So, this con as a pre same time.
* Microsoft refrained from creating (and thus supporting) a cross platform implementation themselves. They rely on (cooperation with) the mono project for this. Having said they, MS clearly stated they embrace the mono project.
* Microsoft created it. The name alone blinds zealots. Please, spend a few weeks or months learning the language, then come back and say what you think.

Submission + - Internet Explorer story was bogus (

xonen writes: A story which suggested that users of Internet Explorer have a lower IQ than people who chose other browsers appears to have been an elaborate hoax.

A number of media organisations, including the BBC, reported on the research, put out by Canadian firm ApTiquant.

It later emerged that the company's website was only recently set up and staff images were copied from a legitimate business in Paris.

It is unclear who was behind the stunt.

Comment Who has the copyright (Score 1) 545

From this information, it seems they are regarding themselves as the rightful copyright owner. If this is the case, nothing can stop them from re-licensing it as they please. That said, code released as GPL should remain GPL, simple as that, but duel licensing is pretty common.

So the real issue is: who is the copyright owner. The outcome of that depends on the local laws and the contract you had. If you sincerely think you are the copyright owner, you could claim the profit they make from it. Proving you are the copyright owner might be harder, and most of all, costly.

If i were you. I'd just work on your own GPL'd code. Continue to distribute it. Maybe on your webpage dedicate a page to this very issue. And, apart from gathering as much proof as you can to protect yourself from a potentional lawsuit from their side, do exactly entirely nothing, except working on your project and make sure it's better than their product. Making your GPL code better than their commercial code seems to me the best way to get back on them.

Comment Re:Well, I know why WoW players are leaving VM (Score 1) 258

Ping (roundtrip) is usually measured in milliseconds, on consumer lines varying from anything in between 25 and 200 ms as considered reasonable and acceptable. Rounding to seconds would make no sense, as 500 ms would be acceptable for an australian player on european servers, but nowhere near acceptable for a european citizen, let alone 700 ms or more. Using the 'millisecond' unit makes perfect sense here.

Apart that, i can confirm british players, typically on BT, are complaining about their ping on a regular base.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Are we over the the tipping point of technological growth

Are we over the the tipping point of technological growth

While numbers like Moore’s Law have kept amazing us for the past decades, and the number of scientific articles published each year almost exponentially explodes, my question is: are we really getting that most smarter? Is technology really growing that fast?

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