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Comment Re:It's not limited to the US (Score 1) 220

Thanks for the citations...honestly, I did a search before asking for a citation and didn't find anything overly relevant. However even the reports you reference don't really provide more than 8 years of data that do not specify what would be considered 'normal' losses in a mild or an average over-winter, without influence from insecticides and/or invasive parasites. I would also suggest that resistance to parasites could potentially be impacted by insecticides. Rarely in ecology is the health of a species determined by just a single environmental factor.

Comment Re: News for nerds (Score 1) 866

The days of the mom&pop run farms is over. A large percentage of the North American food supply is controlled by corporations. You can't lay that at the feet of GMOs or claim that if GMOs went away then so would the corporations. As far as reduced biodiversity, agricultural sustainability and overuse of pesticides go, these risks are all still there if GMOs go away AND some GMO 'products' have no risks related to any of these. Likewise, many invasive species are more harmful than GMO's; try zebra muscles, purple loosetrife, sparrows, domestic cats.... With that said, I do think corporations, and independent mad scientists, should be accountable for what they release on the world. Anything created to increase the use of a pesticide is not in the Earth's best interest. Anything created that can out-compete and eliminate natural species should be highly regulated with the potential for fines large enough to reverse damage done.

Comment Re:"The Polar Bears will be fine" (Score 1) 372

Not to mention things like disproportionate focus on CO2 emission sources that, even if eliminated, would have a negligible effect on overall world emissions (such as Alberta oil[tar]sands). Why? Because they're high profile, polarizing targets that net them more donations than going after high impact targets.

Comment Re:Seriously? (Score 1) 137

So you try to discredit my scale by substituting in an arbitrary scale of your own? You are also trying to imply that old = ancient, suggesting that you have a penchant for hyperbole. As I stated, XP is still very much alive and kicking, with phase out being forced by Microsoft through a cutoff of support more than it becoming obsolete in the business world. Contrast that with DOS, Windows 3.1, NT and 95. Those I would say are potentially ancient, and only persist to run legacy software with no modern alternative (common in laboratories with older gas chromatographs for example).

Comment Re:Seriously? (Score 1) 137

In my world, a sun dial is ancient, clocks are old. A litter is ancient, a Model-T is legacy, a 88 Honda Civic is old. When using ancient to describe objections, to me it means no longer in use and no longer relevant. Legacy means, it still is functional and has use, but is far from current and is costly to keep running or maintain. Old means just that... not new. In the world of many younger people it's 'Oh crap, they released a new iPhone, the one in my hand is now ancient.'.

Comment Re:Cautionary Tale? (Score 1) 182

I think the cautionary tale comes from applying what we've learned from GMO in other sectors. Try this on for size: So your parents were told there was a 50% chance of producing offspring with a debilitating genetic disease. A Chinese based company offers a service where they perform an in vitro fertilization with genetic modification to reduce the chance the disease manifests to 0%. Your parents go ahead with the procedure and, voila, you're born to a disease free, healthy life; that is until you decide to procreate. At that point, the Chinese company steps in and says they own the genetic modification you would be passing on to your potential children. They demand a licensing fee, or threaten legal action.

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