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Comment Re:Done in movies... (Score 1) 225

So, if popular culture approves of and encourages it, can't blame the cops too much for doing it despite it being merely illegal...

Yes, we can.

Indeed, we can, but unfortunately "we" don't. And that's the problem.

The "we" here is not the Slashdot readers (or other people well-informed about civil rights), but the population at large. And this population doesn't get any special training about their rights, but picks it up from movies and similarly unreliable sources.

So, even though police's training tells them that they shouldn't behave in such a way, they are confident that there will be very little backlash against such behavior (except from the "weirdos", which are a tiny tiny minority), and so they'll do it despite their training.

In summary: yes, we can blame police for this behavior. But we (the better informed people) should blame the movies as well.

Comment Re:SATA Slots. (Score 3, Insightful) 162

Yes. I mean't disk mirroring...

So, there's still another mistake then.

Indeed, disk mirroring is not a replacement for backup. Disk mirroring only protects against (some...) hardware failures, but not against human error (such as accidentally removing the wrong file). Backups protect against human errors too (... and natural disasters, if kept offsite, and plenty of other error conditions which mirroring doesn't protect against).

Comment Re:"5-megapixel lens" (Score 1) 177

(Guess one could go creative in dice designs but .. it really is the standard.)

Even by going "creative", you won't be able to create 10 sided dice... it's a mathematical impossibility as there are only five possible convex regular polyhedra, and none of them have 10 sides.

The way a D10 is usually made is by using a 20-sided Icosahedron, and have each number occur twice (i.e. there will be 2 faces labeled 3).

Comment Re: What's wrong with a scroll wheel? (Score 1) 431

He has basically invented a scenario I've never seen anyone have trouble with.

I did take getting used to it. I remember, I had the same issue (accidental scrolling when trying to middle click) the first couple of days that I used a scroll-wheel mouse.

Ok, so for me this was only an issue while getting used to it, but I can imagine that other people might indeed have some (longer lasting...) motor skill issues with this. However, theoretically, it should be possible to configure X to ignore scroll events, solving this issue?

Comment Re:This could be fun.... (Score 1, Informative) 164

Wouldn't it be easier to just bring a knife along, and turn this into a mere two step process:

1. Apply knife to throat. As our Muslim brethren have shown us, even a small knife will do. You just need to make sure he's soundly asleep...
2. Bring your new swag home, and finish the work with a spoon, then let it dry and polish

Comment Re:I'm Charlie (Score 1) 331

You know, Muslims are feeling that their prophet is as real as your cartoon children. And the prophet didn't give consent either. Rather he gave explicit dissent. Islam has strict rules about any depiction of the prophet, whether unflattering or not.

No, anytime we criminalize possession of mere pictures, and attach disproportionate punishment to it, democracy suffers.

Comment Re:Nope (Score 1) 331

Even if it turns out that you are not legally responsible for the content

  1. In many jurisdictions, posession is enough to make you guilty, knowing posession is not a requirement
  2. Even in those jurisdictions that only criminalize knowing posession, the judge may strike the word knowing on a whim, an book you anyways. Yes, it's a bad bad world out there, and judges don't necessarily uphold the law as written. And they get away with it. Indeed, who is going to condemn them for it? Another judge, a work colleague who they've a good chance of knowing personally... This is an area where "innocent until proven guilty" doesn't mean squat.

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