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Submission + - My GPL code has been... patented! 4

ttsiod writes: Back in 2001, I coded HeapCheck, a GPL library for Windows (inspired by ElectricFence) that detected invalid read/write accesses on any heap allocations at runtime — thus greatly helping my debugging sessions. I published it on my site, and got a few users who were kind enough to thank me — a Serbian programmer even sent me 250$ as a thank you (I still have his mails). After a few years, Microsoft included very similar technology in the operating system itself, calling it PageHeap. I had more or less forgotten these stuff, since for the last 7 years I've been coding for UNIX/Linux, where valgrind superseeded Efence/dmalloc/etc. Imagine my surprise, when yesterday, Googling for references to my site, I found out that the technology I implemented, of runtime detection of invalid heap accesses, has been patented in the States, and to add insult to injury, even mentions my site (via a non-working link to an old version of my page) in the patent references! After the necessary "WTFs" and "bloody hells" I thought this merrits (a) a Slashdotting, and (b) a set of honest questions: what should I do about this? I am not an American citizen, but the "inventors" of this technology (see their names in the top of the patent) have apparently succeeded in passing this ludicrous patent in the States. If my code doesn't count as prior art, Bruce Perens's Efence (which I clearly state my code was inspired from) is at least 12 years prior! Suggestions/cursing patent trolls most welcome.

Games Workshop Goes After Fan Site 174

mark.leaman writes "BoingBoing has a recent post regarding Games Workshop's aggressive posturing against fan sites featuring derivative work of their game products. 'Game publisher and miniature manufacturer Games Workshop just sent a cease and desist letter to, telling them to remove all fan-made players' aids. This includes scenarios, rules summaries, inventory manifests, scans to help replace worn pieces — many of these created for long out of print, well-loved games...' As a lifelong hobby gamer of table, board, card and miniature games, I view this as pure heresy. It made me reject the idea of buying any Games Workshop (read Warhammer) products for my son this Christmas. Their fate was sealed, in terms of my wallet, after I Googled their shenanigans. In 2007 they forbid Warhammer fan films, this year they shut down Vassal Modules, and a while back they went after retailers as well. What ever happened to fair use?"

Wipeout HD Loading Ads Scrapped After Uproar 119

RobotsDinner writes "After Monday's story about intrusive, loading-screen ads being retroactively added to the PSN racing title Wipeout HD, the popular uproar has indeed succeeded in getting Sony to pull them. You can put your pitchforks down; your voice has been heard! A Sony spokesman said, 'The ad has been removed from Wipeout HD and we are investigating the situation to ensure that any in-game advertising does not affect gameplay.'"

Solar Machine Spins Sunlight-Shaped Furniture 71

Mike writes "Austrian designers mischer'traxler have created a solar powered machine that makes an incredible array of furnishings that vary based on how much sunlight it receives over the course of a day. Titled 'The Idea of a Tree,' the machine spins spools of thread into stools, benches, containers, and lamp shades that wax and wane as the available sunlight shifts. Furniture created during cloudy winter days will be wrapped more slowly, causing it to be darker in color, thicker, and smaller than pieces created during the sun-soaked summer months."

Comment Re:Headline wrong (Score 1) 1088

The goal here is to sidestep the electoral college, if all states send all their electoral votes to the winner of the popular vote then the winner of the popular vote wins. It's an interesting idea, but I think that if you get enough support to pass this in most states, then you could just amend the constitution. But it's a good way to get the ball rolling and it's nice to see someone taking the issue seriously.

Comment Re:Thanks from the reminder (Score 1) 971

These results to me really underscore how important it is to get out and vote. If 300 people who already wanted Gore to win had gone out and bothered to vote, then the country might be in a very different place now. While this is somewhat dishartening, it's also empowering, every vote really does matter.

Submission + - Critical .mdb flaw Found - Microsoft may Never fix ( 4

SkiifGeek writes: "When independent security researcher cocoruder found a critical bug with the JET engine, via the .mdb (Access) file format, he reported it to Microsoft, but Microsoft's response came as a surprise to him — it appears that Microsoft are not inclined to fix a critical arbitrary code execution vulnerability with a data technology that is at the heart of a large number of essential business and hobby applications.

Where should vendors be required to draw the line when supporting deprecated file formats and technology? In this case, leaving a serious vulnerability active in a deprecated technology could have serious effects if an exploit were to target it, but it is a matter of finding the right balance of security and usability such that Microsoft's users are not exposed to too great a danger for continuing to use Microsoft products."


Submission + - How do you wean people off the car? 3

Planetes writes: The state of Washington and Seattle metro areas have inadvertently found a possible clue regarding how to begin weeding Americans off their addiction to the car. The answer? promote mass transit. Obvious you think? How about throwing in a twist: Close several lanes of I-5 Northbound (the main North-South artery between Seattle and points south) just south of downtown Seattle. Not for hours, but for weeks. The result: light rail ridership doubles along with most other forms of mass transit in the area. So, to repeat: how do you wean people off the automobile? Make it useless.

Submission + - College Orientation, Online (

langelgjm writes: "Not content to wait until arriving at college to start meeting friends, some recent high-school graduates are coordinating furniture, meeting significant others, and rejecting roommates based on sexual preference with the help of Facebook. "Last week, College Park had just sent out roommate assignments to about 3,800 entering freshman when university official Brian L. Watkins received his first phone call of the season from an upset mother. The woman said a Facebook profile of her son's freshman roommate "indicated that the roommate was into the same sex, so that threw up all kinds of red flags from their perspective," said Watkins, UM's director of parent and family affairs. "My response was that real or perceived sexual orientation is not a valid reason for a roommate change and that in our eyes that is like saying, 'I'm rooming with a Muslim, you need to move me,'" he said." Perhaps both the media covering Giuliani's daughter's Facebook profile and this mother could stand to learn a lesson: not everything you see online is necessarily true."
The Courts

Submission + - RIAA Victim Wins Attorney's Fees

VE3OGG writes: "Debbie Foster, one of the many caught-up in the RIAA's drift-net attacks who was sued back in 2004 has recently seen yet another victory. After having the suit dropped against her "with prejudice" several months back, Foster filed a counter-claim, and has just been awarded "reasonable" attorney's fees. Could this, in conjunction with cases such as Santangelo be showing a turning of the tide against the RIAA?"
United States

Submission + - Glass Walkway over the Grand Canyon

hac writes: "Afraid of heights? In March 2007, you will be able to walk over the rim and into the Grand Canyon, with glass separating you from a 4000 foot fall.

"The Skywalk will jut out 70 feet (21 meters) from the canyon rim, allowing tourists to go for a stroll with nothing between their feet and the Colorado River — 4,000 feet (1,220 meters) below — except for four inches (ten centimeters) of glass. "
How long until someone sets a record for wireless transmission within the Canyon?"

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