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Comment Re:To all you losers ... (Score 1) 331

As usual all we see are links to unverifiable Twitter accounts, most likely sock puppets, and some imgur links that are also unverifiable. Why not link to the actual pastebin, for example? Images are trivial to take.

And did I not call it? Goalposts promptly moved. Absolutely everything inconvenient to you is "unverifiable" with claims of being part of some staggeringly vast global conspiracy involving hundreds of thousands of people for almost a whole year. Meanwhile the proven bullshit on your side is still god's purest truth.

Comment Re:To all you losers ... (Score 1) 331

See it's stuff like this that just helps prove everything people are saying about SJWs and then some. There's an absurd amount of evidence out there of SJWs doxing and even SWATting people but you just keep moving the goalposts further and further and further while outright denying it. You've gone so far off the deep end that you're claiming SJWs don't even exist anymore despite anyone being able to hop on tumblr or jezebel or feministcurrent and see them first hand.

Threats to shoot them at home:
Threats of rape at their work:
Forced to leave home due to threats:
Text messages:
Phone calls threatening their family:
Losing their jobs:
Losing their jobs:
Doxxing and threats:
Doxxing a child:
Emails getting hacked:
Income shut down:
Doxxed purely for supporting:

Comment Re:To all you losers ... (Score 1) 331

You're either deliberately remaining ignorant or lying through your teeth then because SWATting and doxing are such routine tactics for SJWs that even the people behind Crash Override have done both. Then again considering SJWs, anti-gamergaters in particular, are also the people who have mailed people knives, syringes, and dead animals, made credible bomb threats, and specifically targeted women and minorities for the worst abuse like hacking their bank accounts or getting them fired after doxing them I'm not surprised at your ability to engage in doublethink.

Comment Re:pardon my french, but "duh" (Score 1) 288

That's the wrong metaphor. This kind of ignorance isn't equivalent to buying a new toaster when yours breaks, it's equivalent to making everyone around you miserable because you refused to learn how to even push down the toaster's lever and then going through the process all over again the moment someone bumps the doneness knob. It's the equivalent of refusing to ever feed yourself because the fork is shaped differently or was upsidedown in the drawer instead of right side up.

Comment Re:pardon my french, but "duh" (Score 3, Interesting) 288

It's an entirely social problem. People believe that it's acceptable and even endearing to be willfully ignorant of and incompetent with technology. It's the equivalent of people deciding that not knowing how to read is acceptable if you have green eyes and then going "aw shucks" whenever they have to read something.

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