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User Journal

Journal Journal: Neocons. A history of pain

A series of videos on youtube examines the history, mistakes and skewed agenda of the group collectively known as neocons. Highlights the reasons for the links between Bush and Osama Bin Ladin, and shows how America has continuously lied to itself so much, that when it eventually believes its own lies no-one can understand why the facts dont appear to match the believed reality.
User Journal

Journal Journal: 21st century computing

Information accessibility is becoming an increasing concern, with current AI technology able to create complete psychological profiles from a few small snippets of information, the 'cold caller' issue takes on whole new meanings, as the ability to extract exactly what someone is thinking becomes increasingly easy can we ever rely on IP technology to convey our thoughts and concerns?

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It's a naive, domestic operating system without any breeding, but I think you'll be amused by its presumption.
