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Comment Re:This will hugely backfire... (Score 1) 422

Isn't the only reason that they vote for Democrats is because the Republicans want to kick them out of the country?

What? Of course republicans don't want to kick them out of the country! They LOVE Mexican immigrants! Dirt cheap labor, and they can't even complain if you mistreat them. If they start to get uppity you just threaten to send them back across the border.

So why are they so anti-immigration then? They're not. Tougher immigration laws means they can keep stringing these poor people along and treat them even worse. Meanwhile, inside those immigration bills they slip in little extras like reducing the punishments for employing illegals and such. Just a little "scratch my back and I'll scratch yours" for the big money donors.

Basically, republicans are about as anti-immigration as the DEA is anti-illegal drugs.

Comment Re:Progenitors? (Score 1) 686

Or maybe the universe is so competitive that anyone who announces their presence eats the bad end of a relativistic weapon...

But why? That's the question you need to answer. Why would any civilization advanced enough for true interstellar travel even be slightly interested in smashing the Earth with a relativistic weapon, or any other kind of weapon?

Any civilization that advanced wouldn't NEED Earth for anything. They could get everything they need and more from countless worlds, asteroids, comets, and whatever else they happen to come across and in much greater quantities than our planet can provide. Through technology they may be practically immortal as well. They may only come by once every couple million years or so to see how things are going.

At best, Earth would be little more than an idle curiosity. It would be something to watch and study, and with their technological level they could do so completely undetected if they so chose. But it's more likely that such an advanced civilization simply doesn't care. We're a primitive barely aware species on a little speck of rock.

Comment Re:Let me get this straight (Score 5, Informative) 387

The Thwaites Glacier is melting because of Geothermal heat rather than AGW?

No. It isn't. Read the paper instead of making inferences from a summary that is significantly lacking in details.

Scientists knew there was geothermal heat contributing to base melting of the glacier. Most places on Earth have a tiny amount of geothermal heat flux so underneath most glaciers there some small amount of melting due to this heat. On average, the geothermal flux on Earth is about 65 milliwatts/square meter.

This paper was looking to quantify the geothermal flux under the glacier so that they could model the behavior more accurately. It turns out the the average geothermal flux under the glacier is around 120 milliwatts/square meter with some areas going as high as 200 milliwatts/square meter. This adds a little bit more base melt and thus allows the glacier to move a little bit faster.

Keep in mind, these are milliwatts we're talking about, so it certainly isn't melting a lot. But since it is base melt it is contributing to glacier movement speed. This contributes to the ice loss already occurring due to warmer temperatures.

Comment Re:Queue the deniers (Score 1) 387

You can't have a balanced discussion when the people involved want to remain willfully ignorant of the science. Check that, you can't have a balanced discussion when the people involved want to deny reality (hence the term "denier"). If science and reality can't convince someone that something is happening, you're just wasting time and resources that could be better put to use elsewhere.

Comment Re:Next up: We need a centrifuge in orbit! (Score 1) 76

Well, not necessarily. If we can integrate gravity into the GUT, we may be able to create and manipulate gravitational fields like we do with electricity and magnetism. But that's also assuming that the mechanism for creating and controlling such fields isn't prohibitive which is a pretty big assumption.

Comment Re:$150,000? (Score 1) 220

It's not just machine time. It's also personnel time, electricity, possibly wasted time for others since resources were being used, etc. It seems that the machines he was using didn't have GPUs so it was CPU only mining. This would have consumed a fair chunk of time and resources to generate that $8K-$10K.

This guy is incredibly stupid. I can't imagine what was going through his head when he tried to do this.

Comment Re:Old news (Score 1) 174

The primary cause of glaciers shrinking is particulates in the atmosphere. This has been reported many times, but it doesn't fit with the whole Global Warming sound bite so it's generally ignored.

It's not the primary cause. It is a contributing cause, and is perfectly consistent with global warming. Global warming is a combination of factors that lead to warmer global temperatures. Increased GHGs are just one factor.

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