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Comment Re:Highly sophisticated malware used to attack sys (Score 1) 111

"..ICE patterns formed and reformed on the screen as he probed for gaps, skirted the most obvious traps, and mapped the route he'd take through Sense/Net's ICE. It was good ICE. Wonderful ICE... ...His program had reached the fifth gate. He watched as his icebreaker strobed and shifted in front of him, only faintly aware of his hands playing across the deck, making minor adjustments. Translucent planes of color shuffled like a trick deck. Take a card, he thought, any card.

The gate blurred past. He laughed. The Sense/Net ice had accepted his entry as a routine transfer from the consortium's Los Angeles complex. He was inside. Behind him, viral subprograms peeled off, meshing with the gate's code fabric, ready to deflect the real Los Angeles data when it arrived."

William Gibson

Comment Re:why internet connected? (Score 1) 111

This is most likely billing info. Until healthcare is free, you're going to have billing info. No way around it. The clinical info isn't really useful to your common crook - hard to make a buck out of knowing who has herpes since the pharmaceutical companies have already gleaned that information by paying your local pharmacist to tell them (legal and lucrative).

So, it's the old name, rank and social security number routine.

Comment Re:why internet connected? (Score 2) 111

What were such systems doing connected to the public internet?

You reap what you sew. Put a system on the internet that is a big enough target, and it WILL be owned. The safe approach is physical separation coupled with careful local access control to prevent USB-style attacks (though with physical separation it is hard for them to phone home again).

They weren't on the 'public' Internet. They got hacked. Why was this stuff even on the network? Excellent question. The quick answer is that the hospital would like to get paid. So they have to create claims. Claims these days are electronic, little to no paper. The claims have to be sent from the hospital to the insurance companies -- through a network. And that network is .... the Internet.

Yes. hospitals could just go back to point to point dialup but that's not very convenient. They most likely had firewalls and other fancy things to prevent this sort of thing from happening but got caught either mis configuring something or more likely, fooled some witless employee into divulging something they shouldn't have. And before you get all high and mighty about this sort of thing, stop and reflect that the next witless employee might well turn out to be you.

Comment Re:Labor costs (Score 1) 239

Right now, impressionable youth from 3rd world countries are cheaper than robots. There won't be much worry about this for a while. A rust-bucket Honda and some dumb kid are going to be a lot cheaper than the latest Google-Tesla joint venture product.

We have plenty of time to think about it before Is-lame-oh terrorists are using them.

Except that one limiting factor in the jihad is the ability to get the starry eye idealist soon-to-be-martyr over on this side of the pond. Blowing oneself to tiny bits appears to be a hard sell to westernized folk. The concern here would be that an autonomous vehicle could alleviate that problem.

Of course, it's not a perfect solution. You have to purchase or steal the thing which now are in rather short supply. An autonomous vehicle is going to be fairly tightly regulated once let out into the wild - one of the basic tenets is that it communicates with other vehicles and presumably some sort of central command. Driving into a crowd or a chemical factory might be frowned upon.

Much easier to just blow up a chemical factory somewhere in New Jersey. Or start a forest fire near LA.

But it's the FBI's task to get all paranoid and look at all potential possibilities to ensure our ultimate freedom. USA! USA!

Comment Re:Insurance rates (Score 2) 239

Insurance is a highly competitive industry. If accident rates go down competition will force rates close to $0.

You perhaps might see collision rates go down but there are many other liabilities that one typically insures a vehicle for - weather related damage, medical, liability and others (usually bundled under the rubric of 'comprehensive').

You are also assuming, without any data, that the future Johnny Cab will never get itself into an accident. I'm not so sure I would make such a bold claim.

Comment Re:Absolutely not! (Score 1) 382

Huh? I pay quite a bit of money for subscriptions - technical sites, reference sites even (crosses self) Adobe. I don't expect a group of people to curate, collate and organize information for free. Yes, I know that happens and I use those sites frequently as well.

But the subscription web is a useful concept. The problem comes when the value is relatively low. Like, for example, Slashdot. I'm certainly not going to spend several hundred dollars a year here. I have subscribed in the past - the benefits are unclear enough that I usually forget about it. As we've discussed innumerable times, a micropayment system would be an improvement. However, it's not going to get rid of the trolls.

Nothing short of a cosplay version of the Baroque Cycle is likely to do that.

Comment Re:You have to understand (Score 1) 359

I hope that's what happened, actually, and I think it's 99% likely that you are correct. But it's not too difficult to image another scenario - a terrorist group bent on conducting biological warfare wants to get their hands on some raw material. I don't think that's what happened here. I sure as hell hope not. But do any of these facilities where highly contagious infectious diseases get treated have protection against such things? Should they?

Not a sensible strategy (at least if you are a sensible terrorist). All you need is a single victim which, presumably, you would knock on the head, drain a couple of liters of blood and poof, you have a crude bio weapon. If you were planning on doing more sophisticated things, you would likely just need a couple of vials.

No need for all the fuss.

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