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Comment Re:Who is volunteering? (Score 1) 837

Plus, if this were to be implemented, how would they handle out-of-state visitors and tourists?

Given that this is Oregon, it would be perfectly in character to have border stations where you have to sit and watch a two hour indoctrination video about the People's Republic of Oregon, get tattooed and chipped and have a transponder attached to your car.

For a small fee, of course.

Comment Re:Weed (Score 1) 164

Why does everything have to do with weed? It could be a pipe, a cigarette, but no it has to resemble a joint. -- Is Slashdot a bunch of potheads?

When you're stoned, you go with the flow. Joints are much easier to model using Blender (or similar programs) than complex structures like pipes and needles. The mockup in TFA is rather eerie - 80 foot high joints balanced over a moody desert scene. You half expect Johnnie Depp to come running on to the stage shooting randomly at non existent bats.

Maybe that will be in the trailer.

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