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Comment Re:I've got a great idea! (Score 1) 89

Assuming you're using Mac OS X or 64-bit Linux. It's just Windows that doesn't have a 64-bit Firefox for some dumb, poorly explained reason.

Ding ding ding! We have a winner.

My job requires specialized software that only runs on windows. And truthfully, the 32 bit version of Firefox works fine. But as you put it, it's dumb and poorly explained.

Comment Lawyer up (Score 3, Informative) 170

Communications with your lawyer are privileged. Give them your information with instructions on when and how to release it. Make sure to pay them in advance.

This is standard stuff in may novels because it kind of works.

Is it 100% effective? Maybe not. But it's a layer of protection. If you are especially paranoid, give one lawyer a 1-time pad encrypted hardcopy file. Give another the key.

Comment Re:Sometimes? Rarely? (Score 2) 240

Fair enough. Maybe he should have said secret trials. FISC is basically a warrant rubber stamp factory.

I'm genuinely curious about he extent of secret trials in the US. My understanding is that there are restrictions when it comes to public trials for minors. Probably other situations. Where the boundaries are, I'm not sure.

Comment modified (Score 4, Interesting) 310

I didn't write the program, actually a script, but I did modify it to run on a Kindle. The epaper version with a keyboard. Needed some sort of calculations done while traveling without a laptop. Some sort of one line script, but the simplest solution was to take an existing sample script and modify hard coded numbers.

Yes, modifying a script with a web based editor on an epaper device is a bit awkward. But it got the job done.

Comment Re:SEC (Score 5, Informative) 56

Because the SEC's job isn't to stop stupid. Its job is to stop fraud. Distinguishing the two can be tricky. Selling unregistered securities is one area that has been designated at fraudulent. Selling over overpriced or excessively risky investments has not been designated fraud as long as the buyer isn't knowingly fed false information.

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