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Comment Re:Methane compared to CO2 (Score 1) 202

Good points, I would also add that methane is lighter (MW 16) than air (average MW = 29) and that which doesn't degrade will rise far enough above surface to not have as much of an impact. Unless it's there in sufficient quantities to react with ozone and deplete the layer (not sure if I'm joking or not, I don't know the status of that research).

Comment Re:Stop the science (Score 1) 496

Scientific conclusion requires a far higher standard of evidence than personal opinion, so even if a scientist is 95% confident that humans cause global warming then many will avoid explicitly concluding this in a scientific paper until there is a much higher degree of certainty based on their explicit experiment.

That is exactly what I said in my last sentence. What the media states is that 97% of the climate scientists believe anthropogenic sources cause climate change, where the majority do not state it explicitly. Your statement is implying that those that stated no opinion really believe in it but withhold for more evidence, my statement states they didn't make a statement, it could be either way. Which position is more distorting?

Comment Re:Stop the science (Score 1) 496

I reported the results of a metastudy. I leave it to the authors of the papers who took no position to state what their opinion is, from what the review said, they chose not to for whatever reasons. Perhaps they are being prudent scientists in stating that there is not enough evidence to support the hypothesis, but there may be enough evidence to continue doing research.

By the way, in both cases (32.6% and 31.6%), it was less than one-third, I didn't distort anything.

Comment Re:Stop the science (Score 0) 496

99.9% is a number that you just made up.

If you review the abstract of the meta-study,, you'll see that 66% express no position on global warming, 32.6% endorsed it, 0.7% rejected, and 0.3% were uncertain about the cause (but accepted global warming was occuring). Of the 32.6%, 97% said humans were responsible, which yields 31.6% believe humans are causing global warming, or less than one-third.

Before others jump in, expressing no opinion is not affirmation of the hypothesis, it's stating that 'we don't know.'

Comment Consider the source... (Score 1) 598

Viewing this tweet shows that Arment is a big fan of Scott Forstall, who ran iOS development until he was pushed out after Jobs passed away.

Not sure if he is chums with him, but taking potshots after your favorite is pushed out isn't uncommon.

As any developer knows, there will always be bugs, and they will be found when you have a billion, and growing, users.

Comment Re:AC current maintained only by tradition? (Score 1) 578

I always scratch my head on it too, but it works out when you play around with it. Thermal losses P = vi (considering DC only, rms for AC assuming no reactance), Ohm's law is v=iR, rearrange to v = P/i, insert v into power, P = i^2R. If you insert i = V/R into the power loss, you get P = (V/R)^2*R which cancels out to P = V^2/R. To show the power loss is less, start with constant resistance and amps, plug it into a spreadsheet and see the differences. The key point is that you need to keep the current at a constant value, then you'll see that to get the same amps, you'll generate a lot more heat.

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