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Comment My personal observations... (Score 2, Informative) 961

I was down there on Day 2 photographing demonstrators and police. This was Sunday, so the NYPD was able to block off Wall Street, the bull, areas near banks, etc. so disruptions by the demonstrators were minimal. An Anon told me they had been forced away from Battery Park and into Zuccotti Park the night before, but there didn't seem to be much tension between demonstrators and police at the time and some of the police seemed friendly with demonstrators. Demonstrators have made it clear time and time again that they are also fighting on behalf of NYPD officers. From reports I've read through Twitter and elsewhere, some NYPD officers have shown at least some support for demonstrators but the "white shirt" commanding officers are the ones who usually instigate trouble. I can't verify this directly, but in many of the photos and videos I've seen of arrests and attacks on demonstrators, "white shirts" appear to have been directly involved. The now-infamous pepper spraying of penned in female demonstrators was done by a white shirt officer who also appears to have sprayed some of his officers as well. I'm planning to head back to Zuccotti Park this week to get more photos, so I'll have a better idea of how much things have changed in the past week or so.

Comment Re:Cannonical is just trolling us (Score 0, Troll) 984

"Gay names"

You just lost the war dude. Now shut up, crawl back into your cave the the rest of your hate filled, foul mouthed crew.


Right--because when I say 'Gay names', I'm talking in super-secret code that really means 'I hate men who like other men'.

I was raised back when, 'gay' meant you thought something was lame (because my parents were raised to think 'gay' meant 'happy'), and 'fag' was a cigarette.

So let me re-write my post for retards like you:
Using gay lame names like mebi instead of mega.

Happy now? Or should I say gay now?

Comment It's more than an issue of bribery... (Score 1) 773

I know bribery is accepted practice in the US but here in the EU it is still frowned upon.

Resorting to bribery would signal that Google competitors have given up on competing by creating a better product and instead have to resort to simply paying users to make the switch. It's like being asked to drop your supermodel girlfriend for a bag lady in exchange for a suitcase full of cash.


Anonymous Browsing On Android Phones Using Tor 109

ruphus13 writes "Privacy is becoming a scarce commodity, especially with geo-aware phones. Now, Android phone users can browse anonymously using Tor — a capability, until now, limited to the desktop. From the post: 'We have successfully ported the native C Tor app to Android and built an Android application bundle that installs, runs and provides the glue needed to make it useful to end users. Secure, anonymous access to the web via Tor on Android is now a reality,' writes Guardian Project team member Nathan Freitas. The Tor release uses toolchain wrapper scripts to run Tor without requiring root access."

Comment Re:Lol wut? (Score 4, Insightful) 280

In the past, I would have agreed but now I'm not so sure. Microsoft may still hold the largest chunk of the OS pie, but I think it has lost considerable credibility with consumers. Failing to play by the rules has worked for Microsoft in the past, but I don't think that is going to work much longer. I think consumers are growing tired of spending money on inferior software and this discontentment will probably extend to Internet Explorer if it can't play by the rules. HTML 5 is supposed to eliminate competing standards so that everything can work off the same set of rules. For a developer, this is a godsend. No more developing standards compliant code and then having to write bad code in order to appease Internet Explorer. I expect we'll see a developer backlash against browsers that aren't compatible with the standards and this will translate to either Microsoft playing by the rules or watching its browser market share plummet.

Comment Re:No better than the rest (Score 1) 56

That's fair. I would hope that all news organizations are viewed with some level of skepticism because there is always the risk of bias -- whether from non-profit donors, advertisers, or editors with an agenda. I apologize my comment came off as an attack against you. Wasn't my intention. The bias comment wasn't directed at you at all and I wasn't trying to generalize. I was just pointing out that the organization I worked for had been criticized for bias based on nothing more than the political leanings of the donors and that the accusations were baseless -- in my experience with that particular organization. My point was that it is possible for a non-profit journalism organization to be unbiased, regardless of its source of funding.

Comment Re:No better than the rest (Score 1) 56

Lets all take a cue from Woodward and Bernstein, who all these J school grads aspire to emulate - follow the money. These groups are being funded by people with agendas, just like the media they purport to study/critique.

It's a legitimate concern, but one that can't be used with a broad stroke like you just did. Take ProPublica, for instance. It's funded by left-leaning Herbert and Marion Sandler yet headed by former Wall Street Journal managing editor Paul Steiger -- and it's staffed with award-winning journalists from major news organizations across the country who have already proven their objectivity and professionalism. The suggestion that the journalists that make up ProPublica could somehow be swayed by the donors is silly. There's nothing really the donors could hold over any of their heads; they could just as easily return to the for-profit news organizations most of them came from and I can't imagine any of them would compromise their journalistic integrity for a job they don't need. I was one of the first batch of reporter interns for Publica, so I speak from my own experience. No one outside of the newsroom was allowed to know what we were investigating (something that drove my friends and roommates nuts with curiosity), and my understanding is that the donors didn't even know what investigations were underway until they read them in the newspaper or saw them on TV with everyone else. But, people who are convinced an organization is biased will also find "evidence" of that bias when the facts don't match their preconceived notions of truth.


The Perils of DRM — When Content Providers Die 275

An anonymous reader writes "If you purchase music or movies online, what happens if the vendor goes out of business? Will you have trouble accessing your content? The question came up recently after HDGiants — provider of high-quality audio and video downloads — filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. A consumer says his content became locked inside his PC. Walmart customers suffered a similar fate last year when the retailer shut down its DRM servers (a decision they reversed after many complaints). And if Vudu dies? Your content may be locked in a proprietary box forever. Time to start buying discs again?"

Ballmer Threatens To Pull Out of the US 1142

theodp writes "Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer is threatening to move Microsoft employees offshore if Congress enacts President Obama's plans to curb tax avoidance by US corporations. 'It makes US jobs more expensive,' complained billionaire Ballmer. 'We're better off taking lots of people and moving them out of the US as opposed to keeping them inside the US.' According to 2006 reports, Microsoft transferred $16 billion in assets to secretive Dublin subsidiaries to shave billions off its US tax bill. 'Corporate tax is part of the overall advantage of doing business in Ireland,' acknowledged Ballmer in 2005. 'It would be disingenuous to say otherwise.'"

Comment Re:Secret reason for this change! (Score 2, Insightful) 575

Even if that's the case, Netflix is punishing the people who are willingly paying for legal content. This is the kind of abuse that makes it understandable for people to throw their hands up in exasperation and say "hey, I tried to hand my money over for legal content but they took advantage of me. Piracy is so much easier to deal with."

Comment Of course Linux users are a viable demographic (Score 1) 693

Think about it: Linux users aren't dropping hundreds of dollars on OS upgrades, software suites, firewalls and anti-virus software. We have all that for zero cost. We're not wasting money on over-priced crap software that has free open-source alternatives which means that we have all of this extra money to spend on high-quality software that does provide something we want and can't get through open source. Good games fit into that category but certainly are not alone in that regard. Look at the number of Linux users that have been begging and pleading for a Linux version of Photoshop.

Submission + - Internet Uses 9.4% of U.S. Electricity (

ribuck writes: "Equipment powering the internet accounts for 9.4% of electricity demand in the U.S., and 5.3% of global demand, according to research by David Sarokin at online pay-for-answers service Uclue. Worldwide, that's 868 billion kilowatt-hours per year. The total includes the energy used by desktop computers and monitors (which makes up two-thirds of the total), plus other energy sinks including modems, routers, data processing equipment and cooling equipment."

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