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Comment Re:*Dons asbestos suit* (Score 2) 1262

I'm not defending the quality of her reviews, but some points are both relevant and good.

But near as I can tell the "no interest in games thing" doesn't have any source besides being mindlessly repeated by people who hate her. I'm going to guess you saw someone say that and assumed it was true.

Comment Re:Slashdot comments indicative of the problem (Score 5, Insightful) 1262

Honestly, no, I don't entirely think that's it. I mean, obviously tribalisism is part of it. She's the outgroup, the threateners are the ingroup. But it's also genuine sexism.

I know, I know,. You're not allowed to accuse people of being sexist or racist behaviors, because it's like an ad hominem, and you're a social justice warrior, or whatever.

But bear in mind the "lies about being harmed in order to manipulate" thing is a stereotype about women that misogynistic fucks absolutely love. So they see a woman making that accusation, the stereotype activates in their mind, and they immediately apply it to the current situation.

Comment Re: Her work (Score 5, Insightful) 1262

And, of course, she didn't do that. She insulted some common lazy writing and setting shortcuts that are used in fiction that also (sometimes) happen to be rather sexist.

There's no war on men, and in her latest series(I can't remember her older work perfectly, I seem to recall it's true there too, but let's keep it recent) she never makes even one even vaguely oblique reference to men as a collective. Not one. Neither positive or negative. She talks about assumptions of male audiences a bit, but that's clearly in reference to the thought processes of the developers.

Don't mistake this as an endorsement of her points all being correct, just none of them are this gendered insult strawman you're using to excuse inexcusable behavior.

Comment Re:Her work (Score 4, Insightful) 1262

There's this relatively conflation of negative female stereotypes and feminists among MRA types that helps drive this. So they like to take all the bad things old-school misogynists about women, and pretend it's just true of (all) feminists.

"Emotionally manipulative liars" is one of those old school stereotypes about women, and so AC here takes that typification, and extrapolates it onto Sarkeesian without any sort of evidence to bear out that she's actually like that. It's sad that some people become tentatively aware of gender issues, and immediately turn that into overwhelming sexism.

Comment Re:*Dons asbestos suit* (Score -1, Flamebait) 1262

Maybe the fact that there have been tens of thousands of threats(of admittedly varying degrees) made against her in less private venues already, and people like you will go out of your way to defend it for no apparent reason.

The amount of actual evidence out there that Sarkeesian has been willing to lie about threats is zero, and so randomly assuming that is kinda just stupid and shitty.

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