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Comment Re:Code the way you want... (Score 3, Informative) 372

I'm kinda surprised you chose C# as:

A. Radically different from java
B. "Fine for small projects"

I code for work in C#, and for fun in either python or whatever is topical to the project.

I used to code for work in python, and for fun in C#, and before that any mixture of java, C, assembly, and scripty-fu-fu suited my professors.

Comment Re:Robo-Polygraph? (Score 3, Insightful) 102

You've got a mistake here.

Polygraphs aren't "baseless pseudoscience"

They're "Extremely unreliable devices based on a mixture of pseudoscientific assumptions and real biometrics". And the CIA isn't a court of law. They're aren't interested in finding the truth beyond a reasonable doubt. They're interested in pressuring you to tell them everything you can.

Comment Re:Time for an for IT Union (Score 1) 89

I'm truly sorry, but an IT union isn't happening, until at least my generational cohort is out of the system.

A. Too many libertarians.
B. Too many people convinced of their own prowess and respect
C. None of us are at much physical risk
D. We get quite a bit more than a living wage, in general

Those factors add up to an insurmountable barrier, even if I personally think the idea is wise.

Comment Re:Hooked up to all the equiptment (Score 1) 89

Checking the methodology section of the paper, they didn't feel it was necessary to include any sort of experimental control.

Now it can be hard to come up with controls for this sort of experiment, when you test the ability of an algorithm that tests for kind of nuanced data, like "where in this block code might there be bugs?", but it should've at least gotten a mention in the conclusion that it wasn't comparative to other methods.

Comment Re:let me correct that for you. (Score 1) 619

Right, but since you're making that argument, I'll engage like the GGP should have:

Why are a couple essays by a dead philosopher the only definitions of communism we should accept?

They were happy to call themselves the communist party. They were happy to declare communist ideals the only acceptable ones. Certainly the things they did were colored by the ideals of communism. Is it reasonable to dismiss allegations that they weren't communist as inherently facile?

Comment Re:let me correct that for you. (Score 1) 619

I get what you're saying, but their intent wasn't really to avoid acknowledging the awful, awful things the soviet union did.

Their intent was to make the same argument that the soviet union did: that they weren't actually communist, "yet". Now, I can get why you don't want to argue with that point: it's fuzzy, it's impossible to prove either way, and it doesn't actually make a meaningful point about communism. Your response, however, doesn't actually address the argument presented.

Comment Re:Extremophile (Score 2) 97

There's a couple things here:

1. Extremophiles evolved progressively to more difficult ecosystems. They came from organisms that could manage in chemically unreactive of mostly water/salt water. It's unlikely the precursors to life, like prions or unbound mRNA chains would've "made it" in arsenic lakes or boiling lakes. But some prokaryotes could manage in environments with a little arsenic, and evolution could work its magic.

Like the creationists say, getting something as complex and robust as a modern organism "randomly" would be a bit like a tornado blowing through a junk yard and assembling a car.

2. The utility of radio waves for communication wouldn't hinge much on the physic form of an organism, just something much like sapience.

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