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Comment Re:stupid question but..... (Score 1) 563

HL7 = cow dung. Thousands of pages of documentation to define code values and what they mean. That's not a protocol. It's just a list of values. If HL7 had any elegance to it, it might pass for a protocol. As it is, it's just a pile of shit for which you have to pay hundreds of dollars just to read the description of every undigested leaf of grass and the amorphous goo that holds them together.

Adobe Releases C/C++ To Flash Compiler 216

SnT2k writes "Adobe recently released the beta version of Alchemy which compiles C/C++ code into AS3 bytecode (which runs on AVM2) that can run on the Flash or Flex platform and boasts increased performance for computationally-intensive tasks (but still slower than native C/C++). It was demonstrated last year during the Chicago MAX 2007 to run Quake. A few months later it has been demonstrated to run a Python interpreter and Nintendo Emulator. One interesting tidbit is that the thing is built upon the open source LLVM Compiler Infrastructure."

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