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Comment Galaxies Orbit (Score 0) 74

Galaxies usually orbit around a massive round one in their cluster. The shape of spiral galaxies is produced by the shape of the fabric of space time as they approach each other at the end of their cycle. After they pass each other they change shape and will evolve into every type of galaxy shape until they finish the cycle as a spiral. The orbiting galaxies flip when they reach the farthest distance from each other and start back on another collision course. Each shape is specific to their position of the cycle.

Comment Help Wanted (Score 0) 50

I have been working on an algorithm that predicts the outcome of sporting events based solely on weather variables. I have improved each year and now I am winning handicapping contests and making money every year. I have developed another algorithm that predicts the temperature that is based solely on lunar cycles. I know that they can be improved, but I lack the knowledge and skills to do it. If anyone is interested I would be happy to share what I discovered.

Comment Eveyone here is a retard (Score 0) 380

The sustainability issue with transportation is not related to fuel. If you put automobiles on rails and let a computer drive them,you can go 10x faster on 10x less fuel with no accidents. The biggest benefit is that you no longer need to wait in line at a bus stop or train station. There are soooo many other things that you could be doing instead of driving, like talking on your cell phone. The energy savings are enormous with this system and would pay back construction costs in less than 5 years.

Comment Re:Trains (Score 0) 501

Those systems are good, but they are still not sustainable. The trains are only efficient if they are full and if they only stop once. The other sustainability issue is the waiting time and scheduling. We need a system that would give a person the ability to travel anywhere and at anytime and never stop until they reach the destination they desire. Lost time is sooooo unsustainable. The physical energy and stress that humans spend moving from point A to point B is another factor. We have the technology but lack the wisdom to actually build a system that is sustainable. It would only take several years to build and would pay itself back in less time. Its almost like we are designed to waste energy.

Comment Re: better idea (Score 3, Funny) 501

It would be much cheaper just to dump large amounts of powdered soap and water on them from a C130 to knock them apart. It would work better on a hurricane, dumping it on the rain bands would cause it to break up. The worst case scenario would be a 20 foot wall of suds moving at 80 mph, but it would be a clean city afterwards.

Comment Re:Driverless cars prevent more deaths and cheaper (Score 0) 501

The death toll is much greater than 33000. It was 87000 just a few years ago. The injured are a greater cost to society, and they aren't even counted. Driverless cars cannot drive in snow, or in bad weather. Driverless cars weigh more, but if you put the car on a rail and let a computer drive it would move 10x faster on 10x less energy and have no accidents. I added the costs that it would take to build a system like that and then realized it would pay for itself in 5 years.

Comment Higgs Field (Score 0) 42

I really can't understand why the Higgs field is not the main issue and why it is ignored. The discovery of the Higgs field is finally leading us on the right path. I can only think that they are too scared to admit they were wrong about the standard model or maybe science only advances with funerals. I am glad to see more people commenting on it, but jeez.

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